“Pull Quotes” of a 2 Year Old: Week 17

…One with Nature

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old
3 min readApr 29, 2016


My daughter has come a long way since her first experiences with grass (she wanted nothing to do with it). Now she loves running through the park, kicking her ball with mom & dad, sitting on our grass, and the like. (We’ll have to see if her sand aversion still stands this summer.) This week, she got in touch with that nature with some of her quotes I’m saving for posterity.

Ye olde quotes:

All of Quarter 1 | Week 14 | Week 15 | Week 16

Friday Apr 22

“I watch P(l)anet Eart(h)”

Saturday Apr 23

(to birds outside) Shh… mommy sleeping.

Sunday Apr 24

Go away, bees in the tree. Go! Go!

Monday Apr 25

Daddy: (whistling)
Daughter: Daddy…Shh.

Tuesday Apr 26

Bus diaper (driver)

Wednesday Apr 27

Daddy: What do you want for dinner?
Daughter: Pizza!
Daddy: Hmm, we don’t have any pizza…
Daughter: Cupcake!

Thursday Apr 28

Daughter: What’s up?
Daddy: What’s up?
Daughter: What’s up?
Daddy: What’s up?
Daughter: What’s up? What’s up? What’s up?…


I nearly broke an eye when she asked to watch the BBC Planet Earth series I’ve been showing her. Nature shows were a thing for me as a kid, so I’m very glad to share them with her. Also happy when she hits the running track with dad and waves at everyone as they jog by. This kid.

If you’re happy and you know it,
and you really wanna show it…
hit the ♡ below.

[Editor’s post-script: Read the next in this series below]

Previously on “Pull Quotes” of a 2 Year Old:

Week 1: …The Musical!
Week 2: …The Variety Show
Week 3: …Pants by Sassy
Week 4: …Birthday, Another Day
Week 5: …Snow Week
Week 6: …Her 1st Show
Week 7: …Pink Hearts and PinkEye
Week 8: …And Grew and Grew
Week 9: … Mommy Special
Week 10: …Sun and Fun
Week 11: …Manners and Mommy v Daddy
Week 12: …Say “Ahh!”
Week 13: …Spring Ahead
Week 14: …Pretend Play
Week 15: …Get Up!
Week 16: …Mommy Birthday

