New Changes At PULP HQ! Broken Penises! We Love Drugz! The Crisis of Motherhood!

July Westhale
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3 min readMay 5, 2020

Dear pulpitxs,

I keep starting my emails to people with “I hope you’re well!”, then deleting it. Obviously no one is well right now. But what is the best way to start an email with? “I worry for us all” is a little too intimate to email my accountant, and a little too maudlin to say to my already-worried friends.

I’ll settle for “dear”.

This newsletter comes with some scary and future-ly exciting news. Like many businesses and favorites during the pandemic, PULP is about to lose its funding. Due to the impending recession, Medium has decided not to renew our contract, which means we will be fending for ourselves come end of June (to be fair, they’re not really renewing very many contracts. GAY Mag also got the boot — we’re in great company).

However, the esteemed Katie Tandy and I have decided to try to forge on and launch PULP 2.0, the news of which will be coming to your inbox very soon! This includes a mid-May Kickstarter launch with some really fucking great donation-incentives, so be on the lookout!

In the meantime, we’re forging on with the brave, brilliant voices that make PULP great.

Forever yours,

July (+ Katie)

What We Love About ‘Drugz’: An Interview With Rapper Vbae, by July Westhale

“Music for me was always an ‘out’ from wherever I was at. I always knew that if there was nobody I could talk to, I could just write.”

The Crisis Of American Motherhood: Reading Sarah Menkedick’s New Book “Ordinary Insanity”, by Colleen Rothman

“Postpartum depression is the sensationalist news story, the rare absurdity that afflicts a woman unlike me, a woman unhinged and reckless and unstable. It is distant and pitiable, on the far fringes of society.”

PULP It Like It’s Hot: That Time I Broke My Boyfriend’s Penis Off, by Maggie Hubbard

“Now, upon hearing the pop that my boyfriend’s penis had made, I was reminded of this very particular cinematic moment as I found myself covered face to vagina in what I could only identify as spurting blood.

I was shocked. Frozen in fear and slick with his obvious death.”

The Pulpit Presents: The Glass Ceiling. by July Westhale

This week’s playlist is about getting — and keeping — you hyped.



July Westhale

co-founding executive editor of Writer, translator, professor, media roustabout. Gender queer (she/they).