Fixed Gear or Freewheel

PFTV is back! In the first episode of the season, Amanda’s answering the age-old question, “Fixed or Free, what’s right for me?”.

Before you declare yourself #Fixed4Lyfe or commit to coasting, watch the video right here to get the full scoop!

Adjusting your bike for the Perfect Fit

You just got your new bike, your favorite shop lovingly assembled it for you, and now it’s time for your first ride! No matter what, you’ll enjoy yourself, but a few tweaks to the fit can make sure every ride’s a wonderful one! In today’s post, we’ll look at…

Swap That Cog

Looking to get some more speed out of your steed? Or maybe you want to dial down the gearing to make those commute climbs a bit…

Pure Cycles
Pure Cycles
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