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Purple Rhizome
The Problem with Hayekian Economics
The Problem with Hayekian Economics
The neoliberals preach that the market is the unforgiving arbiter of all political action; but they absolve themselves from its rule. —…
Ann Brody
Apr 1, 2021
Economics is Performative
Economics is Performative
“The neoliberals preach that the market is the unforgiving arbiter of all political action; but they absolve themselves from its rule.” —…
Ann Brody
Apr 1, 2021
Social Science Literature Summaries on Money, Crypto, and Blockchain (Part 3)
Social Science Literature Summaries on Money, Crypto, and Blockchain (Part 3)
Crypto: How the Code Rebels Beat the Government Saving Privacy in the Digital Age by Steven Levy (2002)
Ann Brody
Nov 24, 2020
Social Science Literature Summaries on Money, Crypto, and Blockchain (Part 2)
Social Science Literature Summaries on Money, Crypto, and Blockchain (Part 2)
Digital Cash: The Unknown History of the Anarchists, Utopians, and Technologists Who Created Cryptocurrency by Finn Brunton (2019)
Ann Brody
Nov 13, 2020
Social Science Literature Summaries on Money, Crypto, and Blockchain(Part 1)
Social Science Literature Summaries on Money, Crypto, and Blockchain(Part 1)
Andy Greenberg — This Machine Kills Secrets (2012)
Ann Brody
Nov 8, 2020
Crypto: What’s Death got to do with it?
Crypto: What’s Death got to do with it?
Death is the ultimate mystery. It is thus unsurprising many hubristic technologists treat it as some sort of problem that can be solved…
Ann Brody
Jun 9, 2020
Facebook’s Libra is the AOL of Crypto
Facebook’s Libra is the AOL of Crypto
Crypto Twitter is going insane over Facebook’s announcement of Libra.
Ann Brody
Jun 19, 2019
Techno-Utopianism in Blockchain is Stupid
Techno-Utopianism in Blockchain is Stupid
but also Brilliant
Ann Brody
May 9, 2019
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