QARA Celebrates 5th Year Anniversary

Published in
6 min readApr 5, 2019

It’s that time of the year again! QARA has reached new heights by marking its 5th year anniversary just a few days ago. To help celebrate, let’s look at some of the most memorable things QARA has accomplished this past year.

* This list is not organized in any particular order

KOSHO Beta-Version Turned Official

Last month on March 21st, 2019, QARA released its long-awaited KOSHO official version into the market. We are calling it KOSHO 2.0. With this updated version, customers can have access to a longer financial timeframe, stock events & comparative analyses, the AI Speaker, and a donation feature to a nonprofit organization called the “Good Neighbors.”

You can download the app here.

Just a friendly reminder, KOSHO is a financial and analytics app that utilizes the latest CNN & RNN deep learning algorithm to analyze the past 30 years of market history and capture nearly 400 million data to forecast the financial markets.

Since its beta-version launch in May 29th, 2018, KOSHO has gained over 100,000 downloads and reached 8 different countries worldwide, including Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, USA, and China (Shanghai). KOSHO is also available in 5 languages.

QARA Joins International Trade Shows

Since last year, QARA has been actively participating in global trade exhibitions and competing in pitch competitions both domestically and abroad. Within the past year, QARA has been to Japan (four times), London, Singapore, Taiwan, and China (Shanghai). With each trip, QARA comes back with useful insights and fresh perspective on the markets.

To view more about our global trips, click here.

Just a few days ago, our Global CEO, Katie Bomi Son, and Head of Marketing, Yoonju Sohn, visited Tokyo to meet with the Material Group (Japanese PR Firm) to prepare KOSHO’s official launch into the Japanese market. They got to talk with people from the press and also introduce KOSHO to the regular consumers. Japan is QARA’s priority market so our team has been working day in and day out to ensure that KOSHO is ready for launch in Japan.

Katie in Tokyo, Japan

To view Japanese article, click here.

Click here if you want to see AI recommended stocks for the Japanese market.

New & Old Interns

Over the course of this past year, QARA had welcomed over 20 new interns both domestically and internationally to come join our team. Many of them have stayed to become full-time employees while others went back to finish school.

For the summer program, QARA had 13 interns come and for the winter program, QARA had 5.

To read about our summer interns, click here

To read about our winter interns, click here

Interns are considered core members of our team. Their perspective, energy, and overall intuition help QARA keep its fast-paced drive on track. Interns are given the opportunity to be at the forefront of the company’s main business operations and carry significant responsibilities from day one.

Our full-time paid Internship Program offers both college students and recent graduates with unmatched opportunities in various different career fields, including marketing, computer science, research, design, and finance. To apply, you may find open positions on our careers page, or you can simply send your Resume and Cover Letter to

Moved Office!

Towards the end of December 2018, QARA moved its headquarters from Gangnam DreamPlus to WeWork Seolleung.

As a member of WeWork, QARA has access to numerous networking opportunities not only in South Korea, but also in global countries as well. As long as that country has WeWork, then QARA is part of that community. Sounds pretty cool, right?

Katie & Yoonju with the Material Group at WeWork Tokyo
Luke giving a presentation about QARA’s new vision & goal
Luke & Katie at WeWork Seolleung

Global CEO in the “List of Top 100 Women in Fintech”

QARA’s Global CEO Katie Bomi Son, has been named one of the “Top 100 Women in Fintech” by Lattice80 for the second time in a row!

Lattice80 started this list since 2018 and has since selected women who are prominent leaders in the field of finance and technology. Lattice80 points the importance of “diversity” and ”women leadership” as paramount to a successful organization, especially in the field of fintech where globalization has become undoubtedly a key feature.

A total of 28 women in Asia are listed in the “Top 100 Women in Fintech 2019.” The list is selected according to their achievements and influence in the fintech sector. The cities that produced the largest number of leaders are London with 17, Hong Kong with 12, New York with 10, Singapore and San Francisco with 8, and only 1 in Seoul. And that one from Seoul is Katie.

To read the full article, click here.

QARA Appears in NIA’s List of ‘100 Innovative Companies in DNA’

The National Information Society Agency (NIA) has released a list of top 100 innovative firms in the field of Data Network AI (DNA) and QARA was found among the featured list!

DNA was first coined by the Ministry of Science and Technology, a national government organization that coordinates science and technology activities. The term DNA refers to the core foundations that make up today’s 4th Industrial Revolution. In the age of information-overload, companies listed in the DNA will help secure national competitiveness and foster a healthier culture for digital innovation.

To gather the list, NIA first researched 1,800 domestic companies from July to December last year and proceeded to complete the report on January 29th. The report reflects the evaluation model for small to medium-sized companies at the Science and Technology Policy Institute. Selected innovative firms have gone through four main criteria and implemented quantitative indicators to measure their competitiveness. The entire report is available both in Korean and English at the NIA’s homepage.

Of the 100 innovative companies that have been featured, 36 of them are Data focused, 25 specialize in Networking, and the rest 39 are AI (Artificial Intelligence) related companies. QARA was listed in the AI category.

Looking Ahead to the Rest of 2019

Aside from the list above, QARA has accomplished so much more within the past year. For one, we have the regulatory sandbox initiative that we are eagerly waiting for. Through this program, QARA can provide investment services through its BM patent technology and allow consumers to actively engage in cost-effective and diversified investing practices.

As they say, 2019 is the year of the pig — which means this is the year of wealth. While continuing to work towards building a healthier investing culture, QARA is actively searching for new opportunities to expand its services both domestically and abroad. We look forward to the rest of 2019. So happy trails QARA because our best has yet to come!

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