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Quantify IP
Your IP Spend — Understood
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Trademark Protection Costs in Europe: Northern Europe

In one of our previous articles, Patent Protection Costs in Europe: Northern Europe, we illuminated the costs of protecting inventions and innovations (i.e., the costs of patent protection) in the Northern European economies of Denmark…

How Much Does an OAPI Trademark Cost?

In one of our previous articles, OAPI: Paving the Way to Patenting Across French-Speaking Africa, we delved into the question: “How Much Does an OAPI Patent Cost?” In this article, we shall discuss OAPI trademark filing and registration costs.

File Trademark Applications the Eco-Friendly Way

In one of our previous articles, Go Green: File Electronically and Pay Reduced Costs, we discussed the ‘Go Green’ initiatives of Patent offices around the world, in addition to comparing the costs of filing patent applications through electronic…

How Much Does an ARIPO Trademark Cost?

In one of our previous articles, ARIPO: Paving the Way to Patenting Across English-Speaking Africa, we discussed the answer to the question: “How Much Does an ARIPO Patent Cost?” In this article, we shall discuss ARIPO trademark filing and registration costs.

The Costs of Brand Protection: Trademark Application Filing Costs

In the previous article, “Look Before You Leap: The Costs of a Trademark Search”, we studied the costs involved in searching for a trademark under two classes of the Nice Classification in the top 10 jurisdictions…

Look Before You Leap: The Costs of a Trademark Search

A Trademark is a form of Intellectual Property that helps distinguish the products or services of a business from those of other businesses. It may be in the form of a word, name, logo, slogan, device, packaging, color, combination of…