Silence: prompt

Qualities of Silence

When you feel silence shift

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children


Sometimes you feel this silence quality shifting
In the air envelope before declaring love to someone.
Sometimes when you pray or meditate, you feel
An energy change, you shiver, feeling cold or hot.

This is when energy frequency change,
When entities come,
When during a session you heal ancient emotions.

Please tell us a moment when you felt the shift in energy and the change in the quality of silence.

How do I create a prompt ? I take my big rose quartz and just ask before instantly receiving the prompt.

This last week, we received many love declarations to this universe. Please see how we respond to each other:

  1. Lori McCray, in My very first haiku, weaves her words with a golden photo of hers.
  2. Daniel A. Teo, in Dragged Under, as an answer to the prompt The Wave, advises us to keep going on after the wave in his poem.
  3. Ann Litts, in Going With The Flow, as an answer to the prompt The Wave, advises us to not fight the current, you could be in the wrong direction, with an example from her life.
  4. Infiniti 🦋, in Who Are You? The Light & The Dark-It’s Time To Awaken To The Truth, conjures us to awaken to our truth and protect oneself from any negativity.
  5. Lori McCray, in Second Haiku, reminds us about our mission with a second golden photo of hers, catching the Golden Moment.
  6. Ann Litts, in Living In Abundance, uses her own story to show us what we really possesses.
  7. Nalini MacNab, in Waves at Play, as an answer to the prompt The Wave, explores the Betsy’s multi-sensory world on the seaside where she unfolds her own thoughts as a baby.
  8. Anthi Psomiadou, in The Hydras within us all, with a poem and an essay, describes how criminality is rooted here in each of us.
  9. Dennett, in A Slow Rise of Unacceptable, as an answer to the prompt The Wave, tells a real story that happened to her, comparing it to the last four years in America when the unacceptable became the norm.
  10. Jenine Bsharah Baines, in Be a Willow, as an answer to Trim the Sails, gives us an advice on how to dance life like the willow, dancing in the wind.
  11. Siân Griffin, in Timeline of an Incantation, offers us her poem about the false prophets of now, and ask us to focus on our inner compass.
  12. 𝘋𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘢 𝘊., in Hit By The Wave Of Change, as an answer to the prompt The Wave, writes a poem for us, about the “interference”, like encouraging messages the universe sends her.
  13. Jean Carfantan, in Cosmic Doors, launches the prompt The Doors, honoring the Winter Solstice with the Saturn-Jupiter conjunction.
  14. Jen Naylor, in Fallow, synchronizes in a poem of images and sounds, nature and cosmic events.
  15. Patsy Fergusson, in Everything Changes December 21, celebrates this night as the beginning of a new era when Saturn and Jupiter meet in Aquarius and days get longer, her birth solar sign. Yes we need rites!

Merry Solstice and Christmas! May joy and celebration dance in your bigger heart!

Love and celebration to be here together for the same aim, the awakening of this beautiful planet!




Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirer, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to. (in English--en, French or Spanish --es)