The Transformation of a Jedi

Cleared my chakras to enable my keyboard as my lightsaber

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Queen’s Children
Published in
5 min readFeb 24, 2021


by Natalia80 licensed from

Thank you for sharing this piece. It has synchronously triggered layers of responsive thoughts from me. I am going to click the publish to profile box and start to edit this as a story, so if you read this mid-formation, please return later too.

This story also synchronously responds to Jean Carfantan’s prompt in

My subconscious split screens have been busy streaming to one another my response to Jean’s prompt ever since I read his piece several weeks ago in, guess where Jean, yes, that’s right, in my bathtub!!

In Your Tools for True Transformation, Jean wrote:

I realized we had a master and two servants in our body : the master is your heart and its servants are the solar plexus and the brain. My solar plexus was paralyzed because I didn’t take my place and my brain asks for more and more oxygen like an addict to my heart like in a competition instead of a cooperation with my plexus. So my tension meter indicates high rates. My brain is a greedy organ who gets one’s stomach blown apart. I now have to stop ordering a bigger dose of oxygen and free the emotions that are in my solar plexus. I have to change my thoughts habits.

My takeaway for me from Jean’s thought — balance.

My life had been grossly out of balance for many many years, so much so that my soul tried to show me by giving me a debilitating condition known as idiopathic truncal dystonia — it is similar in appearance to Parkinson’s — what distinguishes Parkinsonian dyskinesia (involuntary muscle movement) is that a dystonic movement is positional — I only violently bent forward at the waist when I was standing or walking. Only, … yeah right.

I still have two pacemakers installed in my brain from the ineffective surgery to correct what I discerned this past summer was in fact, for me, a mind-body, i.e., psychosomatic, disorder. I cured myself on December 3, 2020.

Even with those major blockages in my chakras removed, I must still focus on keeping my life in balance, including balancing my open-portal time with more earthly endeavors until my Pineal is strong enough to keep my third eye open as often as I would like.

by valveat licensed from

I pictured my tool being multiple sets of balance scales, both for weighing items and for weighing justice, as what drives me from my core is the karmic intention to demand accountability from those who inflict pain and justice for those who suffer it.

Thus, I have weaved my story back to answer Melanie J.’s question regarding my superpower and my purpose. Not all that long ago, I perceived my purpose as a sharer of my perceptions gained from my spiritual awakening and an ever-growing stronger connection to the supraconsciousness. I perceived:

I am here to share my insights with whoever finds them interesting.

Personal Responsibility to “Breathe Life and the Love of God”, Aloha ke Akua with a Dose of Kuleana: taking responsibility and being a shining light in the likeness and image of God

Shortly thereafter I rose to the defense of those publications, editors, and writers defamed by Jonathan Greene and, in my story with the kicker, ACCOUNTABILITY’S A KARMIC BITCH, have demanded monetary damages for myself and my brethren, and, more importantly:

1) the removal of the articles of which I am aware from Medium and anywhere else they may have been posted, 2) the disclosure and removal of any other posts anywhere of a similar nature, 3) that Medium ban Mr. Greene for no less than 36 months, unless he issues a full retraction and an apology satisfactory to me in my soul (pun-intended) discretion, in which case the ban may be reduced to no less than 18 months, in Medium’s discretion, 4) that if someone wishes to take over the Assemblage, that person shall post a 500–word essay in the publication unequivocally making amends for Mr. Greene’s malfeasance, and 5) that Medium shall review its moderation mechanisms and issue a story indicating its findings and what steps it shall implement to improve.

I have been accused by a few spiritual folks on Medium of being an anti-spiritual seeker of vengeance. This is false. With the advice and consent of my Lord Rama and my Heavenmate Sitara, I am an instrument for accountability — not vengeance. I believe Ann Litts understands the difference.

As I wrote in my piece on accountability:

Today I posted a story entitled J’accuse…! I chose the title as an homage to Emile Zola and his role in exposing the scapegoating and framing of Alfred Dreyfus for crimes he did not commit. Zola had no skin in that game here on Earth in that life-cycle. Karma though, not only his karmic benefit from going out on a limb in support of his own moral code, but also the karma of the bad actors, was at stake. When one stands by and allows people to act in discordance with the spiritual purpose of their souls, the bad actors’ souls get stained with entitlement. So, holding people responsible for their actions, even if it results in loss of income or status or freedom here in the 3D world, is a great service to their souls for the after-life and future life cycles.

So to round this story out, my special talent is I am a damn good writer and an even better editor, but my superpower, Melanie J., is I have the courage to display absolute vulnerability, and this leaves me impervious to harm.


I do not define spirituality to mean turn-the-other-cheek and express nothing but peace, love, and tolerance for all. I believe that is a construct of the portion of society that has laid claim to spirituality. My definition of spirituality is best expressed by Nahko and Medicine for the People and I leave you now with it:

In Rama I create,




Marcus aka Gregory Maidman
Queen’s Children

Living 17,043rd human life. I am Marcus (universal name) or you may call me Greg; a deep thinker; an explorer of ideas and the mind.