The Insidious Rise Of The Karen

An underhanded way to take back what was gained with the #metoo movement

Alexandra Blue
Queen’s Children


Photo by Kim Jones on Unsplash

It seems lately that my news feeds are riddled with so called “Karens”.

Typically a middle-class white woman with what seems to be a gross sense of entitlement. I see a new “Karen” every day on the news. Usually throwing a tantrum because she has been told to wear a mask when she enters a business.

What nobody seems to question is why they are behaving his way? These women are dismissed as privileged and arrogantly middle-class.

When I watch these women, I see fear. When a person is afraid they behave irrationally. The Covid-19 crisis has shown this behavior in action many times, from hoarding toilet paper to swearing at retail staff.

This behavior is not limited to middle aged white women. EVERYONE has been losing their shit. So why are we only calling out a certain small part of the population?

I receive messages from our Divine Mother as written about in my story here, here and here. As crazy and strange as THAT sounds, it’s actually quite wonderful to see her and hear her words.

I used to write about what ever took my fancy but life got busy and I lost interest. Our Divine Mother came to me and told me to please…

