My Sporty Playlist — Mike Butler

Unpack your balls, I want to see your …. musical sports lists

Mike Butler
Beyond the Scoreboard


Photo by Jimmy Conover of Unsplash

Yo, Ginger Cook, we get it. You have these wild ass parties for the Indy 500, bodies are flying like a WWF match while filling out family March Madness brackets, and no one dares venture by the disappearing tree during a friendly family game of frisbee golf or frolf.

But what’s rocking on the boombox during these shindigs? (let’s take it back a few years) What songs are played while watching and/or participating in a sport or getting amped for a kick-ass workout?

Pirate-loving and crop dusting Kirby Workes, what’s your jam? Blue jay boy, Gerald Sturgill? Whatcha got? Equestrian ridersor cheese chasers — surely have a playlist to pump them up, right Belcairn? Steve Reese, is Tom Petty on your sports playlist?

Since baseball is in the air, I’m choosing a baseball road trip playlist. So hop in the van and let’s hit a ballgame. I’m batting seven songs, but hell I don’t care. Make it any sport or all sports or even workout songs. No rules. Just have fun.

Batter up!

“Centerfield” by John Fogerty

The sun came out today
We’re born again, there’s new grass on the field
A-roundin’ third, I’m headed for home



Mike Butler
Beyond the Scoreboard

Top NBA, sports, and music writer. Editor for Beyond the Scoreboard.