Introducing Quidli Missions

Become a Squiddite (🦑), join us in reworking work!

Edwin Martinez
4 min readMay 16, 2018

At Quidli, work culture plays a key role in our overall vision — we want to change the way people work, are hired, and rewarded for their efforts. By making equity transfers fast and flexible, early-stage ventures can recruit and compensate talent on terms that align everyone. And in practicing what we preach, we start by implementing this culture into our own work process.

Our Structure & Missions

Missions differ from bounties because they’re jobs that directly contribute to Quidli’s overall development

As mentioned in a previous post, Quidli today is run by Squidcore, full-time founders. To increase efficiency and accelerate growth, Squidcore employ Squiddites, volunteers who take on missions in exchange for preQUID. Anyone can be a Squiddite: Freelancers, people with jobs who still want entrepreneurial experiences, believers in our vision, etc. Missions differ from bounties because they’re jobs that directly contribute to Quidli development (full disclosure: I’m a Squiddite!).

Missions & the Missions Board

Snapshot of the Quidli Missions Board — missions are organized on cards with all relevant details.

Quidli uses Trello, an external project management app, to organize and manage our Missions Board. Missions are categorized across three statuses: TO DO, IN PROGRESS, and DONE. TO DO is comprised of missions open for the public to apply to; IN PROGRESS indicates missions that have been assigned and are underway; and DONE is for completed missions.

Missions are posted as cards with the following information:

  • Mission Title
  • Due Date
  • Squidcore Point of Contact (PoC) email
  • Compensation
  • Job Description and Deliverables
  • Required Skills
Snapshot of a Mission card under the TO DO list with all relevant details for applying.

Our Missions Board is open to anyone who shares our vision and has the Required Skills for delivery. Applying is simple: Select a card from the TO DO list and send an email to the listed PoC. Be sure to include the following info:

  • Name
  • Location
  • All Relevant Skills

If your skills match our requirements, the PoC will approve your selection and assign you the mission. If the mission is complex or involves multiple deliverables, details can be defined with the PoC. Results and or deliverables must be validated by the PoC prior to the end of the agreed upon due date.

In addition to Trello, we use Slack and Google Drive to communicate and manage work. If you’re approved for a mission, we provide you access and permissions to relevant documentation and add you to our Slack workspace.

Compensation —preQUID

QUID, our ERC-20 token, is currently being developed. Prior to ICO, Squiddites will be compensated in an off-chain centralized token: preQUID. Following a successful ICO, a percentage of QUIDs created will be allocated for Squiddite compensation — all distributed preQUID will be converted to QUID upon our token sale, which will be announced at a later date.

It should be noted there’s a possibility QUID will never attain any real value. All mission compensation has a risk premium applied based on assignment time to add further value as rewards. The closer we get to ICO, the more the risk premium decreases; so the earlier a Squiddite volunteers, the more compensation they receive! All preQUID is listed on the QUID Summary table we share for transparency on compensation.

Join the Quidli Community

At Quidli, we’re eager to work with people who share our vision on the future of work. Take a look at our Missions Board to see if there’s anything you can help us with as a Squiddite. Also, refer to our Missions Guide for further details on what exactly missions are and how you’ll be rewarded for successful completion. And if you don’t see anything that fits your skill set but you know you can contribute, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Let’s rework work together! Follow us to learn more about the future of work, equity-for-labor, blockchain protocols, and to stay updated on Quidli’s progress.

We’ve also just kicked off our first pre-ICO Bounty Program. Help us, earn QUID!

