quoted.news: Special Trump vs. Khan Edition

Excerpts from “Seven Minutes That Shook the Convention” by Michael Kruse for Politico.

“The Clinton campaign offered to put him in contact with a speechwriter. He declined. He knew what he wanted to say… He practiced at home…

quoted.news: The Drone Papers

This is the October 19, 2015 edition of the quoted.news newsletter. Sign up here.

Last week, the Intercept released a 10-part report, including a glossary and documentation, on recently leaked intelligence, giving an inside look at the drone strikes…

Debate chatter

This is the October 14, 2015 edition of the quoted.news newsletter. Sign up here.

There’s an important election coming up, and only five will make it. No, not last night’s Democratic debate, which excluded Lawrence Lessig. I’m talking about the “2016 Rock and Roll Hall of…

Quotes from articles being quoted on social media.
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