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R-evolution is your go-to source for the latest and greatest in R programming and data analysis. From innovative techniques and tools to in-depth tutorials and industry insights, we comprehensively look at how R is revolutionizing how we analyze and understand data.
Note from the editor

R-evolution is your go-to source for the latest and greatest in R programming and data analysis. From innovative techniques and tools to in-depth tutorials and industry insights, we comprehensively look at how R is revolutionizing how we analyze and understand data. Follow us on Twitter @r_evolution2023 and sign up for our newsletter.

Go to the profile of Antonio Blago
Antonio Blago
I am a data analyst and web developer in R and Python. Founder of https://medium.com/r-evolution. Visit me at www.antonioblago.com.
Go to the profile of Antonio Blago
Antonio Blago
I am a data analyst and web developer in R and Python. Founder of https://medium.com/r-evolution. Visit me at www.antonioblago.com.
Go to the profile of Chengzhi Zhao
Chengzhi Zhao
Data Engineer | Data Content Creator | Contributor of Airflow, Flink | Blog chengzhizhao.com
Go to the profile of Augusto Gonzalez-Bonorino
Augusto Gonzalez-Bonorino
Msc Economics at Claremont Grad Univ. From Argentina. I created the Entangled Mind blog. Check it out ;) Lead Researcher @ https://www.econllm-lab.com/
Go to the profile of infoart.ca
Center for Social Capital & Environmental Research | Posts by Bishwajit Ghose, lecturer at the University of Ottawa
Go to the profile of Shruti Patkar
Shruti Patkar
Data Enthusiast in Healthcare | SQL | Excel | Power BI | R
Go to the profile of Gustavo Santos
Gustavo Santos
Data Scientist. I extract insights from data to help people and companies to make better and data driven decisions. | In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gurezende/
Go to the profile of S. Ghazala
S. Ghazala
Bioinformatician | Computational Genomics | R | Python | Shell Scripting | ML | AI
Go to the profile of Alejandro AO
Alejandro AO
👨🏻‍💻 Software Engineer | 🎥 Growing a community of AI engineers on YT: https://www.youtube.com/@alejandro_ao
Go to the profile of Tomaz Kastrun
Tomaz Kastrun
Data Platform MVP, Data scientist, Geek. Community is core to technology development.
Go to the profile of Bruno Ponne
Bruno Ponne
Legislative advisor and historian writing about data science, history and their intersection. https://www.codingthepast.com/
Go to the profile of Damilola
CompBio Intern
Go to the profile of Marcus Codrescu
Marcus Codrescu
Data analytics professional using R, SQL, Docker, TagUI, and more.
Go to the profile of Ambuj Shukla
Ambuj Shukla
R for language
Go to the profile of Riddhiman
Go to the profile of Fatih Tüzen
Fatih Tüzen
I am a Statistician and R enthusiast, especially in the fields of multivariate statistics and time series.