Continuous Integration and Deployment for Ruby projects with Bitbucket Pipelines

Bitbucket Pipelines is now publicly available and enables you to easily add Continuous Integration as well as Deployment to your Bitbucket projects for free (with some limitations though)!

brew services && brew bundle

Homebrew recently reached version 1.0 and now also support “brew bundle” and “brew services”.

brew services

brew services is a wrapper around launchctl and helps you to easily manage background services that are…

Create React-Native Apps with CoffeeScript

Being a web developer I really like React-Native to create native apps, while leveraging my existing Javascript knowledge. 
More importantly one can actually use the same code for Android and iOS!

Mouse support in TMUX 2.1

The mouse support will no longer work after you upgraded to tmux 2.1 because it has been completely reworked.

To enable it again in the new version first remove the old settings:

set -g mode-mouse on
set -g mouse-resize-pane on
Topics centered around Ruby, Rails, Coffeescript, Vim, Tmux and Productivity.
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