Top Stories published by Nir Dremer Journal in 2017

My 2016 Homescreen

Couple of months ago my iPhone 6S Plus was stolen and I used the opportunity to switch to the 7 plus. It was an opportunity…

The 9 Podcasts I love (2017)

  1. a16z Podcast— Probably the technology podcast that covers the most diverse set of topics
  2. Greymatter — A great way to tap into Greylock portfolio events and listen to the awesome speakers they invite. Strong emphasis on growth

Twitter’s Daily Active Users (DAU)

After reading Snap’s S1 I wanted to compare it to Twitter so I listened to Twitter’s Q4 2016 earnings call.

My immediate reaction — Twitter do not want me to listen to the call.
The webcast is using flash :(
Given how easy it is to share audio…

These were the top 10 stories published by Nir Dremer Journal in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Nir Dremer Journal
Nir is a product geek, family guy & amateur photographer.
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