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[#12] Recovery

Getting life back on track

Apurva Chawla
Random Tales
Published in
5 min readOct 11, 2016


AAman tried to comfort Ria all the while. She was shattered. Her father had been her biggest support system since childhood. He had believed in giving Ria complete freedom to live her life the way she wanted. She couldn’t imagine her life without her father yet. The mere thought gave her shivers and she would start crying.
Aman and Ria went to see her Mom. Ria hugged her. Aman was amazed to see her mother’s strength. She tried to console Ria when one could see it in her eyes that she had cried rivers just a while ago.

2 hours passed but no good information from the doctors came.
Aman forgot all about the Jewelry shop incident and was worried for Ria and her father. Sitting on the bench beside Ria, he thought about Miss Lilly. It was weird that the lady he saw just a few hours ago, happy and perfectly fine, was no more. Life can be such unpredicted sometimes. Somewhere deep in his heart, he felt guilty for trying to ruin their lives by telling the truth to everybody. Now that Miss Lilly was no more, he thought he should probably keep the secret to himself. But something struck him.

“Ria, how do you know that he was texting when the accident happened? Do you know where he was coming from?”
“People who saw the accident happening and brought them both here said so. They had seen Dad using his phone and not applying brakes at the right time. He had called Mom in morning and told her that he was going out for a meeting with a client and he might get late tonight.”

Aman was now sure that her Dad was indeed cheating on them. He didn’t go for any meeting with any client. All he wanted was that her father recovers from this accident as soon as possible.

After a few hours, the doctor informed them that he has escaped the coma and is out of danger but still needs time to recover.
Finally, Ria’s Mom cried in front of Ria and hugged her. She thanked God for saving the life of her husband.
She also thanked Aman for being there the whole time and comforting her daughter.

Ria came outside the hospital to see Aman off.
“Mom will kill me. I didn’t inform her the whole day where I was.” He said.
“You shouldn’t have done that. At least call her and tell her that you’re coming now.”
“I’ll do that. I just hope Uncle recovers soon.”
“Yeah. Call me when you reach home. Okay?”
“Ok baby,” Aman said and kissed her.
Ria went all red.
“This is the color I want on your face, all the time. Not the pale yellow that you had the whole day.”
She smiled and blushed. “Okay. Thanks, Aman, for being with me.”
“Anytime and always for you.”

Back at home, Aman sat in his bed with the ring in his hand. He thought it to be wise to wait for her dad to recover before proposing to her. That should give him time to find a new job as well.

Next day onwards, life was pretty much back on track.
Aman figured that he should try his hand at composing music. He had always been into singing and often indulged in composing once a while. Whenever he did, he had been pretty good at it but never wanted to leave singing. He talked to Akash about his idea and he loved it. But Deep was the band’s official composer and Aman didn’t want to replace him.
Aman began freelancing. With constant motivation from Ria and his friends, he began composing music for other bands. Once he called himself a ‘music consultant’ while talking to Akash and the name stuck in his mind. He thought it could be cool to actually have a tag of music consultant and help bands. He did everything he could, began talking to various bands and people in the industry, went to meets and concerts and talked to new people, making contacts, kept in touch with the music by attending jamming sessions with smaller scale bands and helping them for free in the beginning. He felt good about it. He loved what he was doing.

2 months passed in no time and Ria was going to join a company. Aman couldn’t take out as much time as he thought he would for Ria but she understood. She was happy that Aman was living his dream and finally happy. They celebrated Ria’s new job and talked the whole evening. Her father was much better but still recovering. He had been discharged from the hospital 2 weeks ago and was on bed rest for another month. Ria told him that he had been very quiet ever since the accident. She had heard him cry too.
Aman could guess the reason but he didn’t say anything.

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