Rangers Protocol’s Web3 Engine Layout

Rangers Protocol
Rangers Protocol
Published in
5 min readJul 19, 2022

After pioneeringly giving out the definition of a Web3 Engine and recently rebranding itself as Web3 Engine infrastructure, Rangers Protocol is ready to share some original ideas on the layout of a Web3 Engine.

Rangers Protocol recently announced its new brand positioning as Web3 Engine Infrastructure, making it an official mission to power up the evolving Web3 world as the backbone of a Web3 Engine that minimizes the development difficulty for Web3 developers and maximizes the user experience of its Web3 applications.

The rebranding was based on Rangers Protocol’s recognition of the need for a powerful engine, i.e. a professional system, to provide comprehensive blockchain infrastructures and support various developments including complex dApp development, cross-chain and mass distribution, in-app services, and even more.

In addition to innovatively defining a Web3 Engine, Rangers Protocol has more in-depth thoughts to share on the best possible layout of a Web3 Engine.

A Comprehensive Multi-layer Layout

According to the definition by Rangers Protocol, a functioning Web3 Engine should well facilitate complex dApp development through providing blockchain technologies, standardized IDEs, in-app services, and comprehensive interoperability, which are dissected and integrated into Rangers Protocol’s blueprint of a Web3 Engine.

In Rangers Protocol’s ideas, a Web3 Engine is built up, from bottom to top, with four layers, each serving distinct purposes while jointly offering comprehensive support for the development of complex applications.

Essential to the whole concept of Web3, Blockchain is undoubtedly the foundation of a Web3 Engine to support and run everything that is built upon it.

Then moving upwards is where Infrastructure or IDE comes right in to realize a better and easier dApp development experience.

Developing to the next level, a Web3 Engine should be powerful enough to provide In-App Services, including NFTs and DeFi services, for various dApps to integrate into their projects based on specific needs.

Coming to the top, Interoperability is what Rangers Protocol presents as a bigger picture, meaning ultimate interoperability of not only NFT or tokens, but also every other kind of data, assets, accounts, etc. across the Web3 and even the Web2 world.

Web3 Engine under Construction

Rebranded as the backbone of a Web3 Engine for creating immersive Web3 applications, Rangers Protocol is right on its way to minimize the development difficulty for Web3 developers and maximize the user experience of its Web3 applications, and has already made real progress.


Rangers Protocol has come a long way in laying concrete foundations of blockchain infrastructures. So far, it has two core blockchain technical components, Rangers Mainnet and Rangers Connector, together with an innovative REVM.

Rangers Mainnet is a high-performance blockchain integrated with an efficient VRF+BLS consensus mechanism to support complex applications by solving the problem of high-frequency trading through real-time confirmation and reducing the possibility of network congestion and usage costs, which all are ideal advantages for large-scale blockchain games and complex dApps.

Rangers Connector is the best heterogeneous cross-chain solution leveraging the relay chain technology. It removes the cross-chain communication barriers and lowers the development difficulty for dApp developers in the Ethereum ecosystem. By solving the synchronization problem of heterogeneous data sources, Rangers Connector enables assets and data to transfer freely between chains, helps Web3 entrepreneurs increase NFT’s commercial value and information circulation, and sets a unified data-standard for complex blockchain applications.

REVM is another innovation of Rangers Protocol. Fully compatible with EVM, the Ethereum Virtual Machine, REVM (Rangers EVM) is more efficient and functional. By providing the one-sentence custom keywords, it allows developers to enjoy development efficiency and convenience at a coding level.


Rangers Protocol has launched a set of comprehensive toolsets to create upgraded experiences in development and more scenarios.

Rangers Protocol mainnet is now deployed with an oracle function to provide developers with real-time prices of various tokens in USD, including BTC, ETH, MIX, and RPG, through its free API to conduct a wide array of commercial activities.

Rangers Scan, a blockchain explorer and cross-chain data query tool, is also available on Rangers Protocol mainnet to record all blockchain operations for every transaction to be traceable.

And with most integration of Rangers Protocol infrastructures currently being conducted via coding, the coding language is of great importance in the development process. Rangers Protocol thus includes the most widely adopted Rust and Solidity for as its compatible coding languages to ease things up for vast developers.

Moreover, an SDK for log-in and payment has been fully developed and will come out soon to facilitate feature integration and further development for developers, with more SDKs to come on their way.

In-App Service

As for in-application services, in the Web3 Engine supported by Rangers Protocol, dApps can enjoy a wide range of services for NFT and DeFi, including NFT random generation, NFT launchpad, NFT rental service, DEX/token swap, wallet, etc.

With the recent beta testing of DeHeroGame successfully held on Robin Testnet, users already got the chance to experience the in-app NFT marketplace.


Interoperability, or Open World, is an essential concept from the world of gaming, also referring to the ultimate data interoperability across Web2 and Web3 for asset, data, tokens, dApps, and more, which Rangers Protocol strives to achieve and deliver through in-house development and partner platform integration.

With integration with a third-party non-custodial wallet completed, a brand new Light Wallet will shortly meet the public, which will be a perfect demonstration of partner platform integration.

Next, Rangers Protocol will continue bringing out more useful tools to enrich the multi-layer Web3 Engine it pioneered through team development and partner integration to better increase developers development efficiency and as a result provide a better experience for users.

Please stay tuned for the latest progress.

About Rangers Protocol

Rangers Protocol is the backbone of a Web3 engine for creating immersive Web3 applications. It minimizes the development difficulty for Web3 developers and maximizes the user experience of its Web3 applications. Rangers Protocol provides comprehensive infrastructures for efficient complex-app development, successful cross-chain and mass distribution, diverse in-app NFT and DeFi features, and more. Through its full EVM-compatibility, strategic industry partnerships and its curated all-in-one IDE, Rangers Protocol supports AAA and indie developers to succeed in the Web3 world.

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Rangers Protocol
Rangers Protocol

Web3 Engine infrastructure to minimize the development difficulty for Web3 developers and maximize the user experience of its Web3 applications