Jonas Hughes
Rational Anarchy
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2016


Jessica Seaman’s 6 Questions To Inspire Your 2017 Intentions

I just read another great piece from a writer that I always find inspiring, Jessica Seaman. I highly recommend you follow her on Medium. Her writing is worth your time. One of many ways is her ability to share her deeply personal experiences which is a gift that allows her to connect with her audience in a way I envy. As a show of respect and gratitude I thought I would share my answers to her article “6 Simple Questions To Set Intentions for 2017” is the inspiration for this article. It is important that one have intentions, goals, milestones, call them what you will. It made me think about my own intentions for 2017. Leaping from our comfort zones is only way we get better. That goes for anything in life. Take a chance before it’s too late. I can see my comfort disappearing in the rear view. An awesome way to begin 2017.

1) What are 1–3 experiences you want to have in 2017

Completing My First Short Film

Enjoy My Company Launch Our Online Network

Let Love Flourish In My Relationship with My Fantastic Girlfriend

2) What are 1–3 relationships you want to focus on deepening in 2017

My Girlfriend — I wish there was word more powerful than girlfriend

My Brothers -Not my blood brothers but those I have come to love as if they are blood. My sabbatical was journey I took alone in order to be a better man they could depend on

Those Reading My Articles/Stories/Watching My Films

3) What are 1–3 ways I d like to get out of my comfort zone in 2017

Leave My Fortress of Solitude to Rejoin the World

Implementing The Public Relations/Press Strategy For Brand Growth

Running For Missouri State Senator

4) What are 1–3 ways I want to show care and love to myself in 2017

Exercise Daily

Allow Myself To Enjoy The Present (Without Taking My Eye Off The Future)

Setting Realistic Goals and Congratulating Myself For Accomplishing The Small Things

5) How do I want to be feeling exactly a year from now

Happy, Loving, Secure, and Fulfilled Having Accomplished My Goals

6) What is the word or phrase for my year in 2017

All Is Possible

I did not share my answers in the response as Jessica Seaman suggest at the end of her article because I felt this was important enough to pay it forward. There are moments that people can provide inspiration and in honor of such a moment I want her work to come alive as more people share her questions with their answers. I hear so much that I set my goals to high but I am done apologizing for wanting to soar through the stars. Its not as if I expect anything to be given to me. I intend to put in the work that the late great James Brown proud. He was the hardest working man in show business but he did so in his way. I intend to set the world on fire in a positive way by creating a new network that allows others outside of the corporate system to share their work with the world.

All Is Possible

It is my personal motto. I have already made history once in my life only to see my hard work torn to shreds by one mistake. Politics is a vicious business but it taught me so much and it continues to teach me important lessons. Donald Trump’s victory, which I predicted in my article “Trumps Strategy”, is now President of The United States. The seismic activity of this is more than political it is proof the American dream is still real. It may not be the ideal dream for some, but it was a dream of one, and he got it done. I will not get into the good and bad of the election which is an article on its own. I know that I have been working and preparing for this moment. I can feel the electricity crackle around my fingers as I type this for you to read. At night I see it clearly in my head before drifting off to sleep where in my dreams I am doing the things I envision. I am on a mission. I want you to join me, those of you already on board, prepare for a hell of year. Seriously, invite your friends, tell your family, 2017 is going to be epic. How could I end this without thanking Jessica Seaman for inspiring me to share some of my intentions for 2017.

A Question Of My Own To Add

What 1 to 3 Things Will You Do To Make Someone Else Happy In 2017?

Keep Loving My Girlfriend In A Way That Fuels It To Last Forever (If you don’t believe in love, don’t worry it will find you one day, it found me even after I hid from cupid’s arrow. Get out of your comfort zone. Live. Breathe. Love.)

Start A Program To Help Make My Community Express Creativity (Community being anyone in my zip code with a passion to create and share their work with the world to bring it together, not pull us apart)

Keep Working To Be Better Man Every Day By Staying Open To Life

By Jonas Hughes

“It is not about what you think I can’t do, it is what I can do by having the strength to see it through. All is Possible”

Read Some Of My Other Articles:

How Failure Can Be Motivation

A Floral Note

Why You Should Not Quit If You Believe

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Jonas Hughes
Rational Anarchy

To be the ripple which becomes a wave. Be the change.