6 simple questions to set 2017 intentions

Jess Semaan
Published in
2 min readDec 14, 2016

And my answers

1) What are 1–3 experiences you want to have in 2017

My answer:

  • Start psychotherapy school
  • Do a long term meditation / nature retreat
  • Have a healthy romantic relationship

2) What are 1–3 relationships you want to focus on deepening in 2017

My answer:

  • My mother
  • My brother
  • My childhood best friend

3) What are 1–3 ways I d like to get out of my comfort zone in 2017

My answer:

  • Write a draft of my book
  • Exercise every morning
  • Disconnect from Instagram for a year

4) What are 1–3 ways I want to show care and love to myself in 2017

My answer:

  • Saying no to activities and people when it does not feel right in my body
  • Regular daily meditation
  • Allowing sensuality into my life

5) How do I want to be feeling exactly a year from now

My answer:

More compassionate and at peace with whatever that is.

6) What is the word or phrase for my year in 2017

Listen to and honor the body, it knows the answers.

PS: You can share your answers in the comments :)

Pre-order your copy of child of the moon my first illustrated book of poetry

about child of the moon:
in between being your mother and father
i forgot to be your daughter
and became the child of the moon
inspired by the author’s traumatic childhood experiences and set against the backdrop of the lebanese civil war, child of the moon is a powerful collection of poetry reflecting on fear, shame, despair, suicide, and the unconditional love that leads to healing.If you like this you might also like

