Q3 2020: Algos, Staking, and Burning!

Raven Protocol
Published in
5 min readOct 13, 2020

Top Raven Protocol Announcements

  • ⛓️ Binance Smart Chain Migration (BEP-20)
  • 🤖 Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Web demo implemented
  • 🔥 $1.5M in RAVEN burned from circulating supply with Spartan Protocol
  • 🤝 Raven Protocol in Mozilla’s Fix-the-Internet Incubator
  • 🥩 Staking launched with 18% APR and monthly vesting (1.5% / month)
  • ⚡ Lightning Round with Raven featured in the Bolt+ App

⛓️ Binance Smart Chain Migration (BEP-20)

We originally launched RAVEN on Binance Chain (BEP-2) last year with the first IDO on Binance DEX. Now we’ve migrated to Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20). The advantage of BSC is that it feels exactly like Ethereum with low fees and near instant transaction times.

There’s nothing you need to do if you want to continue to hold the BEP-2 token. Cross-chain swap is supported between BEP-2 and BEP-20.

Contract Address: 0xcd7c5025753a49f1881b31c48caa7c517bb46308

🤖 Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, and Web Demo Implemented

RavOP is our library to perform arithmetic calculations, create computation graphs and train machine learning algorithms like LinearRegression, LogisticRegression, SVM, DecisionTree, XGBoost, etc.

Now RavOP is powerful enough to implement new algorithms. We have implemented Linear Regression and Logistic Regression using RavOp and they are available inside the framework.

🔥 $1.5M in RAVEN burned from circulating supply with Spartan Protocol

It’s always exciting when communities across different projects and ecosystem work together to push innovation. The Binance Smart Chain, Spartan Protocol, and Raven Protocol teams worked incredibly hard together to reduce the circulating supply of RAVEN by burning 1.5B tokens from the circulating supply. That was $1.5M at the time.

No ecosystem, company, team, or founder tokens were burned. They all still remain locked in their original wallets. All $1.5M that was burned was done so by RAVEN holders.

🤝 Raven Protocol in Mozilla’s Fix-the-Internet Incubator

One key reason we decided to engage with Mozilla is their history with developing open source software. The Mozilla project was created in 1998 with the release of the Netscape browser source code. It was intended to harness the creative powers of thousands of developers. Within the first year, community members from around the world flocked in droves to drive unprecedented levels of innovation in the browser market. They wrote completely new features, enhanced the product, improved the user experience, and even became engaged in the management and planning of the project itself.

At Raven, our Distribution Framework is open-sourced on GitHub. We want to make sure the power of AI/ML is in the hands of the community and not trapped inside large corporations who can afford endless compute resources.

The more AI/ML developers there are enhancing the framework, building AI/ML algorithms on top of the framework itself, and bridging existing workflows to work with our tooling, the more innovation there will in the entire AI/ML industry. We can’t even begin to fathom the amount of value this will unlock as the community has never even had access to this before.

🥩 Staking launched with 18% APR and monthly vesting (1.5% / month)

Testing the compute power from $RAVEN holders will be an interesting experiment. It’s as simple as leaving a browser tab open and we are curious how committed $RAVEN long term holders are. To prevent abuse, you must hold $RAVEN in a BEP-2 wallet to partake in the Proof of Steak program.

Step by step, we will grow the decentralized compute network. We will take this slowly and make sure AI/ML models are being trained correctly. For now, we have one of the top staking programs out of all decentralized AI projects.

Researched, analysis, and design done by Sebastian Wurst (a founding member of DeAI).

⚡ Lightning Round with Raven featured in the Bolt+ App

We were featured by Bolt+ in their Lightning Round Defi Series. Spoiler alert, we aren’t DeFi. We’re DeAI! This was an incredibly fun game to engage both the Bolt and Raven Protocol communities. We hope to do it again soon and congrats to all the winners who got 10/10 questions correct! It wasn’t easy.

👨‍🚀 Q4 Development Roadmap

  • Strengthening RavOP library. As mentioned, RavOP is our library to perform arithmetic calculations, create computation graphs and train machine learning algorithms.
  • New algorithms to be implemented. RavOP is powerful enough to implement many new algorithms inside the framework.
    1. Decision Tree
    2. SVM
    3. XGBoost
    4. ANN
    5. CNN
  • Liquidity Pools. With the migration to Binance Smart Chain, our tool stack has expanded. Raven holders can start taking advantage of liquidity pools across different projects. There will always be a special place in our hearts for the Spartan Pools!

What People are Saying About Raven!

Raven sitting in perfectly in the model compute section of the DeAI ecosystem radar.
Smart community members seeing how Ocean (or any data storage project) can leverage that data for training on Raven Protocol.
Decentralized Tools and Services stack for AI/ML development.
Raven featured as a weekly top gainer on Crypto Differ.
Only took 2 years for StackingUSD to notice us!
Only those who know, know.
CryptoAtlas also sees DeAI as a category in its own right!
Shout out from Mozilla for being nominated as the Most Innovative AI Company of the year.
Let’s see how well this tweet ages by 2021.
Our guilty pleasure. Seeing people talk about our development progress!
More people watching our tech!
Launching is just the beginning!
Browser based!



Raven Protocol

www.RavenProtocol.com is a decentralized and distributed deep-learning training protocol. Providing cost-efficient and faster training of deep neural networks.