Why can’t we give the President a break?

barry robinson
Read or Die!
Published in
2 min readJul 12, 2023
The American flag. Photo by sydney Rae on Unsplash

The American President, Joe Biden, made a brief visit to our shores recently.

The British press have made it known how President Biden makes much of his Irish ancestry and does little to hide his antipathy to the English.

Well, President Biden is entitled to his views and opinions as I believe his great great grandparents were Irish as were mine, so I am probably as much Irish as he is.

And the British press has every right to report on his opinions, but I think we should cut the President some slack.

In his flying visited to the UK, the President had a meeting with King and it all seemed to go very well.

However, royal watchers have claimed the President broke protocol.

What did the President do to breach this royal protocol?

Did he make a joke about the monarch’s ears?

Did he call him Charlie?

Did he have a joke buttonhole that squirted water on the royal visage?

No, the beach of protocol that has had the royal experts reeling in disbelief was a friendly pat on the King’s back.

What the experts in royal protocol should realise , President Biden is actually an American.

And Americans are, like the Irish, a very friendly, easy-going people. A friendly pat on the back would be a perfectly natural thing for an American to do.

Who knows, it may be a sign the President is warming to us after all.

So, let’s cut him some slack.

Some more articles written by me.

It was a funny old war.

A Fathers Day story.

Will Irish eyes still be smiling?

Do I Spy AI?

Do fantasize about an alternative career?

