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The Medium largest book summary repository. Want to join us? Send us your book review.

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Readsmart App
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Go to the profile of Joel Lovera
Joel Lovera
Founder of Readsmart, MagicPlaylist and JsTips
Go to the profile of David Fernández
David Fernández
Passionate about tech products, fitness and powerful life habits.
Go to the profile of Joel Lovera
Joel Lovera
Founder of Readsmart, MagicPlaylist and JsTips
Go to the profile of David Fernández
David Fernández
Passionate about tech products, fitness and powerful life habits.
Go to the profile of Michael Batko
Michael Batko
Learning Enthusiast
Go to the profile of Karl Niebuhr
Go to the profile of Drew Coffman
Drew Coffman
Writer of Extratextuals.