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Connectedreams’ Weekly Resources

Virtual Reality
Connectedreams Blog


“In 1895, audiences sat down to watch “L’Arrivée d’un Train en Gare de La Ciotat,” an early film that showed a train pulling into a station. Legend has it that when viewers saw the train barreling toward them they panicked, because they hadn’t experienced the new medium.” — Tech Crunch — In a VR world. Jun 3, 2016

From the reconstruction of crime scenes, immersive journalism, storytelling, gaming, manufacturing, education to clinical assessment, Augmented and Virtual Reality has been discussed and experimented with for many applications in the past couple of years. New software and hardware products are being launched every other day, which makes the landscape hard to map out. Big companies like Samsung, Sony, Google, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft are investing in new immersive systems but how these systems will be used, and the changes that the technology will make to our the day-to-day lives is still a matter of speculation. While gamers are warming up their trigger fingers for a new level of immersive gaming, and the field of entertainment will be transformed by the changes, the use cases in other industries could be just as transformative.

Whatever the future may be. Here are the resources for the souls who like to experiment.

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Watch Connecetdreams Groupinar “Immersive Tech For Good”




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