Rasam Collections

Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2020

Try these delicious Rasam Recipes from South India and serve it along with Steamed Rice for a comforting South Indian meal.

“ Please visit and follow our followurstyle & ready-to-taste and Instagram profile for more easy recipes”

Lentil spicy soup/ Bele saaru / Dal rasam recipe

Lentil spicy soup/ Bele saaru / Dal rasam recipe

Pretty easy and all time favorite Karnataka Saaru or Rasam prepared with tamarind juice with added spices and garnish.

Huruli saaru / Horse gram rasam / Kudu saaru

Horse gram rasam / Huruli saaru / Kudu saaru

Horse gram seeds are more beneficial to our health and is an excellent source of iron and calcium. Try this Udupi style saaru and add some garlic for an authentic flavor.

Rice starch rasam / Ukku thili saaru / Ganji saaru recipe

Rice starch rasam / Ukku thili saaru / Ganji saaru recipe

This recipe is originated by Tulu Brahmin community from Karnataka. In Tulu language “Ukku thili” means, the starch of cooked rice. Very easy to prepare and best recipe for bachelors.

Tomato rasam with Ginger-Garlic

Tomato rasam with Ginger-Garlic

While traditional rasam can take around half an hour to make, you can whip up a quick version of rasam in 10–15 minutes. You don’t need to add dal, rasam powder or any other spices. Ginger and garlic are the main ingredients which gives a flavor to this rasam.

Carrot Rasam for Rice

Carrot Rasam for Rice

Carrot rasam ( Indian carrot soup) is a South Indian recipe made from tamarind and carrot with mild masala which is eaten with rice. It’s a great tasting dish that will help you to digest the rest of your meal.

Onion Rasam Recipe for Rice

Onion Rasam Recipe for Rice

Quick and easy rasam recipe from Karnataka, India. Within 10 minutes you can prepare this rasam. You don’t need to add tomato or dal(lentil). Just go with few ingredients and enjoy your lunch without wasting your time in the kitchen.

Happy Cooking…!!

