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Rebuilding Our America
As Congress debates the president’s multi-act proposal to rebuild America, students in the journalism capstone project at Santa Clara University take an in-depth look at some of the issues behind the various plans and what might change.
Note from the editor

Journalism students in the 2021 Capstone class spent 10 weeks creating, reporting and writing this project, as the world remained largely under pandemic lock-down. They bounced between campus and family homes, juggled jobs and job losses, and finished college mostly online and in video conferences. But like professional journalists all over the world, they picked up their notebooks, dialed into Zoom calls, and went to work. As President Joe Biden unveiled the pieces of a multi-pronged plan for remaking America, the Capstone students reported on issues they found most impactful, because the end result of the political machinations will profoundly affect their generation. We are grateful for the sage advice of our mentors: Amy Silverman, Neiman Fellow in Journalism, Harvard University; Kurt Wagner, Bloomberg News; Bernice Yeung, ProPublica; Karen de Sá, The Imprint.