How I Slumped, Crashed and Burned in December On Medium

And how I plan to revive from my ashes

Nikos Skordilis
Published in
4 min readJan 5, 2023


A North American Rockwell Corporation artist’s concept depicting the Apollo Command Module (CM), oriented in a blunt-end-forward attitude, re-entering Earth’s atmosphere after returning from a lunar landing mission. Note the change in color caused by the extremely high temperatures encountered upon re-entry.
Author in the process of crashing and burning. Image by NASA / North American Rockwell, Public domain

Back in early December I wrote about reaching $300 on Medium, aided by kind and generous tips from Ko-fi, for which I am immensely grateful:

Prophetically I wrote “And why I will probably not earn more than $100 in December” in the subtitle. So did I stay below 3 digits in December? No rush, dear reader, rush is counter-productive and it also gives fewer read minutes.

In December I crashed and burned. At the end of November, I was in high orbit around the Earth and one month later I was forced to do an atmospheric re-entry at a steep angle with a defective thermal shield.

The combination of my Holiday season depression — which generated multiple whiny poems and a very dark story about suicide — and the sterilization of my golden German goose resulted in a ~70% slump of earnings in December.



Nikos Skordilis

Curious Top 0.1% content creator trying to gain a more beautiful mind and a lighter heart via his words and visuals.