Top Stories published by ReconsiderMedia in 2016

“Old People Shouldn’t Vote!” And The Selfish Democracy

I recently saw this wildly-popular tweet running around my social media feeds. It became pretty popular after Brexit, a vote in which young people in the UK voted 75% to remain, and old folks voted mostly to leave.

I Have a Hypothesis On How Your News is Politically Biased

On Saturday night I was on a rooftop, sipping beer #X, talking with a poor fellow who happened to mistakenly press one of my political buttons, and I went into full-power rant mode about political awareness. He was a smart guy…

6 Crazy Things That Could Happen This Presidential Election

It’s been a historically crazy election year, and readers/listeners keep asking me, “what’s going to happen this election cycle? What could happen?” So I decided to take a crack. I came up with some crazy scenarios just so we…

Why Count Olympic Medals?

I’ll admit, I found myself checking the Olympic medal count daily, and felt little stirrings of patriotism as the Americans kicked off the first Gold win in air rifle, and then really started haulin’ ’em in during swimming, gymnastics, and track & field.

The Reformer’s Dilemma: Environmentalism Edition

I generally assume that nearly all Americans are environmentalists. By this, I mean, we want to preserve our environment to be a healthy place for everyone to live in.

How Big is the Gender Pay Gap? As Big as You Want it!

Enough people have asked me a particular sticky question that I decided I’d take a crack at it.

“How big is the gender pay gap?” (That is, the gap between what women and men are paid in the United States.)

Reconsider Media sets out to breathe life, tolerance, rationality, reasonableness, and curiosity into political and cultural discourse.
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