Top Stories published by ReconsiderMedia in June of 2017

What’s the Impact of The US Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement?

Trump withdrew from the Paris agreement in early June 2017. Not surprisingly, there was a big reaction. We were meeting with one of our ReConsider Cabinet members discussing the withdrawal the day it happened (as…

The Environmentalist’s Dilemma: Electric Cars

June 01, 2017 June 01, 2017/ Erik Fogg

Electric cars have the potential to dramatically reduce CO2 production in the United States; CO2 emissions from burning gasoline and diesel cause 1.5 billion metric tons of CO2 per year…

What Drove Trump and Moon’s North Korea Flip-Flops? Probably Geopolitics

When South Korean President Moon Jae-in was sworn in on May 10th, all signs pointed to him taking a much softer stance on North Korea than the outgoing President Park. Moon wanted to re-ignite the…

What Policy We Want Changes by Which Tribe Supports It

A lot of people feel pretty strongly about their political opinions. Often we feel like they are quite set in stone; based on some very deep values that won’t change much.

Reconsider Media sets out to breathe life, tolerance, rationality, reasonableness, and curiosity into political and cultural discourse.
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