Go to Red Beard Ramble
Red Beard Ramble
Musings, reflections, and lessons on life, family, and fitness
Note from the editor

By this point in my life, I’ve learned some things and formed some opinions, and I’m going to share. Sometimes I’ll just riff on topics, which are on my mind, and see what tune comes out on the page. Other times, I’ll go deeper, with greater focus and intentionality. If while reading this, you are thinking, “Lame,” or “I don’t get it,” this just may not be for you. However, I have to believe that my experiences — peaks, valleys, trials, triumphs, and learning moments — are not just for my own benefit. If by sharing, I can provide some sort of value to someone, it is well worth putting myself out there. I am not the best teacher, best father, best husband, or fit like Froning, but I do have something to offer. Whether someone learns from my experience, or is just amused by it, this is my pay it forward.

Go to the profile of Brandon Paschal
Brandon Paschal
Husband, father, teacher, business owner, strength & fitness fan, and bald person that is aspiring to pay my bills by adding text to the internet.