Top Stories published by Redpoint Ventures in December of 2014

If You Build It, Will They Come? Tips From the Trenches on Mobile User Acquisition

By Chris Moore

Hands down the best part of my job is supporting entrepreneurs solving thorny problems. I always get a charge when we get to convene founders with…

Microsoft buys Acompli

By Satish Dharmaraj

Redpoint Ventures and I would like to congratulate and thank Javier Soltero, Kevin Henrikson and J. J Zhuang for their amazing insights, entrepreneurship and leadership at Acompli. Today Microsoft announced that they will purchase Acompli.

Why Redpoint Doubled Down on Infer

By Satish Dharmaraj

When we consider investments, we look at a business’ market opportunity, its people, and its product. If the opportunity is big, the market is bound to get crowded because lots of companies will want to win in that space…