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Thoughts on software and technology
What’s so hard about developing software?
What’s so hard about developing software?
Why do non-technical people sometimes dramatically underestimate the time, money, and effort required to build software? I think it’s…
John Karahalis
Aug 17, 2024
Is concern about social media overblown?
Is concern about social media overblown?
In criticizing social media, I’ve encountered the objection that social media probably isn’t worth worrying about because…
John Karahalis
Dec 5, 2023
Do we really need comments sections?
Do we really need comments sections?
Today’s software is terrible at fostering anything like real-world dialogue. How long can society tolerate this status quo?
John Karahalis
Aug 10, 2023
The Ten Commandments of Computer Security for Mere Mortals
The Ten Commandments of Computer Security for Mere Mortals
Ten common-sense guidelines that anyone can follow to avoid identity theft… or worse.
John Karahalis
Nov 27, 2022
Governor Parson, apologize to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which responsibly disclosed data leak
Governor Parson, apologize to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which responsibly disclosed data leak
Last week, I read the bizarre story of Governor Mike Parson of Missouri vowing to prosecute local journalists who notified his office of a…
John Karahalis
Oct 24, 2021
Leaving Mozilla
Leaving Mozilla
At 15, I decided to one day work for Mozilla. Now, after 8 years at the company, I have been laid off. This is my story.
John Karahalis
Aug 17, 2020
Gradually Reduce the Number of Eslint Problems in Your Codebase
How can one improve the quality of an existing JavaScript codebase when there is already a backlog of ESLint warnings and errors?
John Karahalis
Jul 23, 2020
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