7 Tips for Better Road Head

Get off without getting in an accident

Christopher Kokoski


Handsome man in car — 7 Tips For Better Road Head
Image by Author via Jasper Art and Canva

One of my favorite places to get head is in the car — aka, road head.

But it’s not always as simple or easy as it seems.

If you’ve ever tried it (as a giver or receiver), you know it can be surprisingly difficult. However, there are ways to make it easier and better for everyone involved.

In my experience, there are seven things you can do to upgrade your road head game.

Try These 7 Tips for Better Road Head

If you're going to give road head, you might as well do it right.

Follow these seven tips for better road head.

Mood Booster

Make sure you are both in the mood for road head.

You don’t want to startle or distract your partner while they are driving. Of course, most men I know are down for some road head anytime. Many women are probably rearing to go as well.

But always ask first.

And put on some mood music. To me, music almost always makes sex better.

If you both feel like getting freaky on the road then, by all means, go for it.

Pull Over

Pull over to the side of the road if you can.

This will give you more time and space to give and receive road head without worrying about traffic.

You can pull over on the shoulder, at a rest stop, or at any out-of-the-way, private place. There are so many opportunities.

Places like empty parking lots and behind businesses can work well.

Just check for security cameras.

If you can’t pull over, go for backstreets where you can have more privacy and perhaps drive a bit slower, depending on the time and location.

Keep It Short and Sweet

A quick blow job is all you need while your partner is driving.

Don’t try to make it into a long make-out session. You are in the middle of driving, after all.

You don’t have to rush, per se, but there is no need to drag out road head.

Safety First

If at all possible, make sure your seat belts are fastened.

This is for your safety as well as your partner’s. You don’t want to get jostled around while you’re giving road head and hinder your partner’s ability to drive safely.

Be careful not to block their view.

You don’t want to obscure their vision while they are trying to drive. Stay out of their driving line of sight so they can still see the road ahead.

Get In a Comfortable Position

Giving road head can get tricky — and uncomfortable.

You’ll be bending over, sometimes awkwardly, and you don’t want to get a painful cramp in your side.

That’s not sexy at all.

Give Head in the Right Car

It may be too late if you’re in the moment but the car you give road head in can matter.

Bigger cars offer more room — always a nice thing.

If you can lift the steering wheel above the head bump zone, move that sucker. You want road head, not a head concussion.

Also, kick the driver’s seat back a bit for even more room.

Avoid Lipstick and Makeup Disasters

These can smudge and get on your partner, making a mess and possibly distracting the from driving.

To avoid making a mess, plan ahead for road head.

At best, don’t wear any makeup or lipstick. At worst, limit it as much as possible. This also goes for men who wear makeup or beard products that can stain clothing.

It will prevent your partner from awkwardly having to explain the colors on their crotch.

Bonus Tip #1: Plan for the O

This might go without saying but unless you want to swallow (always a nice option), plan for what you’re going to do when things come to a conclusion.

An eruption of cum can quickly become an emergency.

Ditto with squirting, if that happens. You never know. Just be prepared with a thirsty throat or a towel.

Bonus Tip #2: Make Sure You Protect Others

When you are giving road head, it’s up to your partner (who is driving) to watch out for other vehicles and people who might see you.

There’s nothing wrong with some public sexy time.

Just don’t force it on other unsuspecting people. If you’ve ever been getting road head while a van full of nuns passed right by you, then you’ll never forget this lesson.

Final Thoughts

The most important factor in road head is safety.

While that might not be sexy, neither is a fender bender (or worse) and explaining to the cops how it happened.

Keep it safe and sexy out there!

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Christopher Kokoski

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