Re Human Day 149

Valentin Perez
Re Human
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2019

We are what we repeatedly do. I’m re-inventing myself by improving in 15 areas at a time.

This post is part of my Re Human project.

Daily Habits

Books: Today I started and finished Why Information Grows. These are my top 3 favorite notes:

Our society is a collective computer augmented with the products we create to compute new and more information.

Trees are computers — they have input information (light) and compute (photosynthesis) to create oxygen.

When buying toothpaste we not only pay for the product but for access to the know-how of people who built the toothpaste.

Full notes here:

Meditation: did 20minutes in the early-afternoon instead of the usual morning today.

Digital Drawing: So there’s a course that I’ve been recommended and seen recommended a couple of places for drawing portraits: the vitruvian portrait drawing course. But it’s expensive and is for pencil drawing (and I want to use iPad). I’ve been thinking of getting it for some time – I think the fact that it’s for pencil doesn’t matter much.

But before making the purchase, I decided to look around Udemy and Skillshare for other portrait drawing courses to see if there’s something that looks close in terms of quality. The character drawing course I’ve been taking has been good but it’s not focused on realistic portraits. Some of the other Udemy courses focused on portraits look okay but didn’t capture my full attention. I went to Skillshare and there weren’t many. Started watching this one on Skillshare:

Seems like the bare basics (only 34mins of video). I might get the Vitruvian course tomorrow ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

Piano: Today my friend Ron who’s a really good pianist corrected my general posture, hand placement, finger motions, and gave me general tips. A part of it was making this left-hand accompaniment feel more flowy:

Re Human Extended Activity: On Tuesdays I’m a Music Producer.

Today I had lots of fun working on my Gatorade “Power” mash-up, from a couple songs that have “power” as a main theme or are generally good workout songs. I think it will mostly be transitions between good songs, but playing around with how to incorporate some more exciting remixing/mash-upping.

Writing: This post, journaling (day and night), and my book review post.

Fitness: Today I trained with my friend Ron. We did pull ups, clapping push ups, jumping squats. Taught him progression for the human flag. Practiced handstands. Trained biceps and ended with burpees and a quick “plank-chess” game — where we played chess while planking.

Soccer trick juggling: Today I practiced hop the world and around the world. Started trying out actual two around the worlds in a row! (this time right away — usually I had been juggling a bit in between the tricks).

Random Surprise

Good advice from Patrick Collison’s website for 10–20 year olds (but really for most people).

Btw, I’ve been posting more on Instagram (the book a day challenge and a couple other things like showing progress on human flag push ups and soccer trick juggles).

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Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.