Re Human Day 167

Valentin Perez
Re Human
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2019

We are what we repeatedly do. I’m re-inventing myself by improving in 15 areas at a time.

This post is part of my Re Human project.

Daily Habits

Books: Today I listened to an awesome podcast: Jim Collins on the Tim Ferris Show. Highly recommended. Some notes from today:

Jim is optimizing for three things: Simplicity, time in flow state, and time with people he loves.

Bug book: study yourself like a bug, scientifically.

Admiring people more from their character than their accomplishments.

The question is not how to be successful, it’s how to be useful.

Meditation: 20minutes in the morning.

Dancing: Practiced the moves I’ve been learning this week: the heel-toe “happy feet” and this dolphin dive with rise up this morning with one song: HUMBLE.

Digital Drawing: Today instead of watching more of the vitruvian course lessons, I just applied what I had already learned. Big fix for the lower part of Anna’s face. The triangulation technique is magical. Drawing is just putting pieces of a puzzle together 🤯.

yesterday, today, and the portrait I’m going for

Piano: Today I practiced Chord improvisations.

Re Human Dynamic Activity: Saturdays I’m a Music Producer.

Today I spent most of my time in Logic Pro, making beats.

I had never actually used the Apple Drummers apart from years ago as a kid playing with Garageband, so I gave that a try. I was surprised by how cool that feature is!! Instantaneous amazing beats, with lots of layering and ability to fine-tune the level of complexity for specific instruments, all while knowing that it will sound good.

Writing: This post, code, journaling (day and night), and parts of my weekly newsletter (summarizing a long article).

Fitness: Today I trained with my housemate Naryan. I did some pretty good human flag push ups, and we trained with clapping push ups, triceps, jumping bodyweight squats, and abs.

Soccer trick juggling: Today I got again two consecutive around the worlds in a row (once), but also didn’t get it on camera..

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Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.