Re Human Day 169

Valentin Perez
Re Human
Published in
3 min readMar 5, 2019

We are what we repeatedly do. I’m re-inventing myself by improving in 15 areas at a time.

This post is part of my Re Human project.

Daily Habits

Books: Today I started A New Culture of Learning. Some notes from today:

New culture of learning is composed of: 1. Massive information network 2. Bounded unstructured environment

All online communities turn into learning communities.

Teaching is not necessary for learning to occur.

Teaching model: teaches about the world.

Learning model: learning through engagement within the world.

Different people, when presented with the exact same information, will learn different things.

Meditation: 20minutes in the morning.

Dancing: Practiced all the moves I’ve learned so far with one song (Buscando Huellas by Major Lazer and J Balvin): body wave, body locks, the heel-toe “happy feet”, dolphin dive with rise-up.

Digital Drawing: Today I focused on just the video lessons. Finished the lesson on Finding the Features!

Piano: Today I practiced I Giorni by Ludovico Einaudi on Flowkey.

Re Human Dynamic Activity: Mondays I’m a VR Artist and Architect.

There’s an idea I really want to exist: Facetime, but instead of seeing the background of the other person, you see what your camera is seeing. So it feels like the person you’re Facetiming is in the same room as you. Through Augmented Reality.

Today I spent VR time investigating how to build this.

This past December, I saw a tool that allows you to remove the background of any image, with ML. So removing the background from a video shouldn’t be too far off. I googled around some more and found some good signs.

Looked into ways of building a “facetime” (video chat). I was surprised that one of the first github repos I found was by a friend! (I met him a while ago at the hackNY fellowship, he was actually my roommate). Works well and is super simple. But didn’t work on mobile (seeing the video of the other person), which is crucial for this idea because we need a back camera.

So I looked into Apple’s ARKit. And their CoreML module (to see if there’s a way to do this right in the app without having to pay for expensive GPUs).

Nothing too promising on Apple’s side for video segmentation/ removal of background, but we’ll see.

Writing: This post, code, journaling (day and night), and somehow came across several tips for writing. One I liked was this:

How to kill writer’s block:

Most people start writing with a blank page. They expect ideas to magically appear in their mind

Do the opposite.

Start with TONS of information. Quotes, pictures, paragraphs. You name it.

Then, start writing.

New ideas will SPRING into your mind.

Fitness: For my previous attempts of beating the world record, I recorded myself with my phone — but that meant I couldn’t listen to music. But I know music is very empowering. So today I didn’t record myself and instead just used my phone’s music and my Gatorade playlist. I got to 54 chin ups in a minute!!!!!! The world record is 57!!!! Wow. Will also be working on form because I wouldn’t want my chin ups to not count. Remainder of my 20minute workout was focused on biceps/more chin up exercises.

Soccer trick juggling: Practicing for two consecutive around the worlds in a row consistently. Today I got 0 of these.

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Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.