Re Human Day 185

Valentin Perez
Re Human
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2019

We are what we repeatedly do. I’m re-inventing myself by improving in 15 areas every week.

This post is part of my Re Human project.

Daily Habits

Books: Today I finished Awaken The Giant Within. And started Curiosity. Some learnings from today:

Empowering beliefs for change:

- You can change your life instantly. Doesn’t have to be hard and long.

-You are in control of the change you want.

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” — Einstein

Curiosity starts with the itch to explore.

Diversive Curiousity: for the new and next.

Disciplined, effortfull curiosity: epistemic curiosity.

Empathic curiosity: about thoughts and emotions of other people.

Perceptual curiosity: seeking physical experiences.

Two sides of curiosity: discovering and deepening.

Meditation: 20minutes in the morning.

Digital Drawing: Today I watched a bit of the Structuring the Mouth lesson:

but decided to just go for it and structure the mouth with the Triangulation technique by myself (will probably make adjustments later). Also worked a bit more on the ear and earring.

yesterday, today, and the portrait I’m going for.

Piano: Today I was talking with my housemate Naryan about catchy songs that could be hits if re-made with music production, and L’amour Toujours came up — I googled it with “sheet music” on youtube, watched this video, and learned the basic chore notes! Was simple and very fun.

Morning Dance: danced a song from my Buxton Patio Vibes playlist.

Writing: This post, code, journaling (day and night), and a morning thought.

Re Human Dynamic Activity: VR Artist and Architect.

Today Oculus announced they’re also releasing an “Oculus Rift S” sometime this Spring. But that one requires a PC.. I thought they might have announced a date for the Oculus Quest, so googled that. Nothing yet. But saw this article of cool titles to come in Oculus Quest (looking very fun):

Then I started thinking of things I could build with AR. Looked again into AR.js but realized most useful stuff with AR will be through our phones, so looked into Apple’s ARKit. Looked through their documentation:

And watched parts of these two WWDC videos:

Soccer trick juggling: Practiced for 10mins with Apricot music. Focusing on mastery of around the worlds, so I can start doing consecutives of those.

Fitness: Chin-ups world-record (57) day. Today I tried with music (so no recording) — when iPhone is taking a video I can’t listen to music… Got to 47! 10 more to go.. Rest of workout was chin ups and abs while hanging on bar.

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Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.