Re Human — Week 19 Reflections — Day 133

Valentin Perez
Re Human
Published in
5 min readJan 28, 2019

We are what we repeatedly do. I’m reinventing myself by improving in 15 areas at a time.

This process post is part of my Re Human project.

awesome illustration in A Velocity of Being book

Last week I brainstormed 23 ideas on how to improve or experiments, across all the areas. Today I’m going to share what I learned from what I did and didn’t do.

Learnings from brainstorm experiments:

Post every day on Instagram, until I get all the 15 areas posted (icon and write cool & insightful descriptions).

  • Did it every day of the week except Saturday which I just simply forgot haha. Thinking of using an Instagram scheduler like Later.

Practice Salsa in my mind (read somewhere today that just going through motions in our minds actually help us learn things, even physical memory).

  • Tried it a couple of times but didn’t feel like it was being too useful so stopped quickly each time.

Paste tags on my piano keyboard that say which key each note is.

This was suuuper helpful, especially since this week I focused on Chord Improvisations.

Build a small, cool artifact in VR.

  • Spent some time learning but saw in a video that a guy just grabbed objects from so I decided to do that. Grabbed this chair and put it in my library:

Keep doing graphic designs for startup.

  • Yes, did.

Graphic design posters about the future of education. Emotion to evoke: inspiration.

  • Didn’t do these. Forgot about this idea and learned/did other things instead.

Use Hemingway to write concise and easy to understand posts for Instagram descriptions.

  • Hemingway is cool. Recommended.

Use Chord Chord for fast brainstorming of musical chords to use in new music production ideas. Focus on quantity.

  • Cool tool. Feel I could have focused more on quantity.

Increase the number of books I start, decrease the number of books I finish.

  • Didn’t actually “do” this, but had some fun ideas for experiments, like choosing ~5-hour books and listening to one book a day for a week.

One day try the go-back-to-sleep lucid dreaming technique, waking up at 5am, staying awake for 30 mins reading a physical / Kindle book, then go back to bed to try to do a wake-induced lucid dreaming session.

  • Didn’t make time this week to do this. Maybe tonight?

Be more consistent with reading books on the Kindle app in my phone when I go to the bathroom in the morning, instead of emails/social media.

  • Did it more than usual but could be even more consistent.

Try different piano approaches — look up chords of songs and try to play that way. Memorize chords.

  • This was actually super helpful. This past week’s daily posts had a lot on this.

Meditate in the afternoon too, 10mins.

  • Nice but only did it one day.

Find other sources apart from books that are good related to my topic deep dive on Education Systems.

  • Found some good podcasts, e-books, blogs, and of course, books.

Send a question on my weekly newsletter that people reply to, compile the answers, and link it back in the next one.

  • Asked a question and for the responses to it but it wasn’t of the type to compile and share with everybody.

Write and publish a post that’s not a daily/weekly/re human post on Medium.

  • Did not do this but I have some ideas on posts.

Submit something to a Medium publication with lots of followers, like The Mission.

  • Did not do this.

Buy a weighted vest for working out.

Go on a long walk, most of the time without listening to books.

  • 40min walk on Saturday (yesterday). Was nice.

Create a list of the “top 100 ideal customers” for our new school/future of education/learning blocks idea. Start building relationships with them.

  • Did this but didn’t build many relationships — yet.

Record myself doing handstand push-ups so I can correct my posture.

  • Was useful to see myself. Been correcting my posture per my friend Nick’s suggestion (he’s an awesome gymnast) and even though I haven’t progressed much on actual handstand push-ups I think this new handstand posture will be better in the long term.

Actually listen to my Salsa teacher and buy Salsa shoes..

  • Listened and got them. Didn’t know they were so cheap! (16$).

Try tweeting on Twitter

  • Hadn’t done it but as I was writing this I decided to go for it. Here is my first real tweet.

Link this weekly reflection in today’s weekly present newsletter

  • Did it (this intention was for last week’s).

I feel like that was a lot of text. Won’t bore you again with something like that in the next weekly reflections. But wanted to experiment. Maybe it is good?

I feel a lot of the good/fun stuff is in my daily posts, this is all about the process after all :).

This Week’s Breakthrough Realizations

“CQ”, or curiosity quotient, which refers to one’s ability to have a powerful motivation to learn a particular subject. Cool way to think about it, like the classic IQ/EQ model.

All content has become entertainment because of the mediums.

“If I can control the future, I do not need to predict it.” (effectuation) vs “If I can predict the future, I can control it.” (causation)

Be more serious about games and more playful on work.

It’s possible to Systematize Creativity through a series of prompts and patterns of mental motions (generators).



Valentin Perez
Re Human

Co-Founder of I love to understand to create to understand. Learning 15 skills every week.