Using Amazonka 2.0

by @pbrisbin on September 22, 2023

A few months ago, those of us at the intersection of Haskell and AWS received a gift. Amazonka, the de-facto AWS SDK for Haskell, released its much-anticipated 2.0 rewrite to Hackage. At Freckle, we had been testing the release…

Engineering Excellence (part 2)

by @eborden on October 03, 2022

In the previous post we discussed measures of excellence that have wider adoption in industry. They are accepted, have benchmark values, and frequently speak to delivery/user-value. These metrics keep us honest about…

AWS SSO Credentials

by @pbrisbin on September 16, 2022

At Freckle, we use AWS SSO to manage our operators’ CLI access. The process typically goes like this:

  1. You call aws sso login and go through a browser authentication

Bulk updating YAML/CSV files with Bash

by @stackptr on August 18, 2022

At Freckle we maintain hundreds of thousands of questions to engage students and help them practice their skills. These questions are spread across many CSV and YAML assets. On occasion we need to make…

Renaissance Learning R&D
Renaissance Learning R&D
The technology blog from Renaissance Learning’s R&D group. We believe the right technology can unlock a more effective learning experience: one in which every student grows to their full potential and teachers are freed up to do what they do best — teach.
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