Daily Task Update in WhatsApp

Day Task! Daily Routine! Perfect Day! — Part 3 (Trilogy Blog)

#15 Blog Thursday

Jack Anto
Published in
8 min readApr 12, 2018


It is a continuation blog. Please read the Part 1 & Part 2 and digest this.


In recent time I have sent 3 active designers from my side. But the members of the group never leaves. We all contribute, discuss, share design in our common DT group. Yup! Even update the daily task list without fail. No matter we are separate from the organization but we all connected by the Team Design. Sometimes I feel Daily Task list makes us unite and be active in the standard platform because the members will type at least one message in a day.

Guidelines will make as a discipline, and we call it as rules.

A practice we follow

Everyone to update the task list before 8.00 AM
INR 100/- charged if they miss updating before 8.00 AM (A minor push to make everyone update consistently and to maintain rhythm.)
People can update one day early as well. If they feel getting up soon is chaos.

The format of the Daily Task

  1. <Date>
  2. <Salutation> Like Good Day/ Good Morning!
  3. <Task list> If it is more than one, it has to be numbered.
  4. <Time> Available time in office.

Note: The Task List can also be your domestic task like you have Bank work or Bike Service.

My learning

  • It helps me to manage my day task well.
  • Once I update the Daily Task in WhatsApp, I will copy those task and paste it my Notes.
  • Once I update the Daily Task in WhatsApp, I will copy those task and paste it my Notes.
  • Once and while I complete the Daily Task, I will delete the list.
  • End of the day, this helps me to see the progress and organize my tasks.
  • Days satisfaction once I get back to bed.

Now we have 20+ designers including interns who are updating the task list daily. Doesn’t matter they are officially part of the team. But the purpose of updating the Daily Task is improved and the day better. The team continues.

Team voice!

Jeevan Siva


Updating daily task from 4yr, changed me a lot to be more focused & productive on work. Completing day-2-day tasks gives a sense of confidence while completing all. It PUSHED me a lot! Like to thank Anant Mani CEO who introduced this idea to the team.

Daniel Doss


We are following a daily task in our Design Team. Daily task is something in which we update our task for the whole day. In the beginning, it was a bit hard to do now it has become my habit. So, by following the daily task my day is well organized.

Jeevanantham Jiva


Daily task update to Four things I have learned it. First thing is practice, I do the updating via WhatsApp every day before morning 8 o clock. Second thing before I prepare what I’m going to do on the day start to end and third thing how to finish my work in on time. The fourth thing is Its help me to know about my team people working their project.

Anantha Natarajan


There were some days when I wake up with empty minds and no short goals to achieve. Those days turned out to be awfully boring and useless. This practice of updating daily tasks has really helped me to organize my day into a constructive one (even if I had no office tasks) . Like Comedian Vadivel says “Edhayum Plan panni dhaan pannanum” (Everything must be planned before executing), this practice has helped me plan and work towards it.



Whenever your day isn’t going well as you think. Having a list of things unfinished till end of the day. then, here’s what I do,

Listing your priorities, mundane tasks or any chores that you have, planning them in a proper way will make your day as efficient as you feel and also you feel a routine of success, when you try to finish of the chores that you listed. Try start listing from top of your mind, plan before a day & try excuting them. Enjoy the success.

Sathish Kumar Jain


Initially I was hesitant when we started with Daily Updates, But now I feel the sense of accomplishment as I am able to track daily tasks and I have become from irregular to regular in task management.

Prakash Kamaraj


One of the Fresh and Simple ideas of Jack, which came into practise when I was an Intern at Report Bee. Initially, I wasn’t aware this could impact by daily routine. It really does, Completing “Daily Task” is an achievement every single night before I go to bed. Like I could see my Progress every single day, That makes me to push my boundaries to go furthermore.

Suvi Sid


I have been updating my tasks daily in DT task and timings since six months ago. I can feel the difference in me after doing this. It made me regular to do my works and has been an indicator either in my growth or am lagging on my work. And my day starts with a very good plan, no matter it ends bad. I am very well satisfied at the end of the day. Thank you Jack for making me a part of this.



In starting days, I don’t even understand the meaning of the word daily task. I thought it was only for RB employees.Then, they told them it was the interns also. First of all, I was terrified to update my works. Because all are updating many jobs, I am updating only a few tasks. Some days I don’t even update because of guilty feeling. Then I shared my Feelings with Jack. He suggested me to be bold to update the task. It was also an easy way for completing our day to day works.



The Daily task update was very good. I was able to track my works and progress very easily. If you want to be successful then time management and scheduling your work is important.

I was able to know about other employees works also, like what kind of things they’re working on and what other stuffs they do rather than work point of view.

Manisha Margreeth


Planning for the day and makes towards the schedule saves time and tension free. But still, sometimes it doesn’t work with me. At the point, I felt like should go behind my schedule that days will best for me come out of tensions. I felt proud to be in charge for daily updates because my inner voice keeps on mentioning that be perfect and punctual to make others be and give a change to give preference for timing I learned more in simple things than in more significant things.

Sachin joe


This practice not only helped me to organise my profession but it also helped me to organise my personal life. With the busy lifestyle this practice might seem practically not sustainable but if we make it to a point to practice this as a daily routine to plan our works before the day and stick to it, we will all be relieved of the stress that we will go through for the day.

Rebekah Julianne


When I heard about ‘Daily Task’ on Whatsapp, I wondered if it was effective as Whatsapp is considered a distraction at work!

We sincerely update our tasks by 8 am (no excuses). It has helped me keep track of what I had done and what is to be done, at the end of the day you feel you’ve accomplished something.



Daily tasks actually taught me patience, dedications and it induced a determination to finish the started work even if that particular task consumed so many re-do works. Daily tasks sculpted my creativity by thinking the shortcuts to finish the work on time . And adjustments to tackle re-do works.

Daily task is something which can help someone to develop their skills in time practically and individually. I personally felt good that i did get daily tasks and re-do works that i learned a lot by myself.


  1. To be punctual.
  2. To be responsible.
  3. To manage time.
  4. Learnt Value/importance of time.
  5. Work to be done systematically.
  6. Less work load.
  7. Can make person superior in life.
  8. To achieve goals.



Daily task. Making a small note about what we are going to do today is the daily task, it can act as a reminder and after finishing that at the end of the day it serves as a checklist of works has to be done on that day. Before adopting this habit, I used to think what are we going to do today, in the process of thinking I waste half of my day. And after adopting this habit, I make decisions what to do tomorrow. And at the end of the day if the daily task list has a lot of tasks and if I had done many tasks in a single day, I feel like, wow I have more potential to handle a lot of thing in 24 hours.

That’s a big story of how the team feel about the Daily Task Update.

Back to the mode! Now it is time for me to update the Daily Task of today. Cheers!

My Today’s task

Consistency measures success!

The Daily Task list is bliss that evolves my consistency! Thank you for reading my trilogy blog.

If you missed reading Part 1 & Part 2. Please take time to read!

#15 Blog Thursday posted, and you have finished reading it, and my chewing continues. Fingers crossed to see my last #52 Blog Thursday post.
Please share your appreciation as comments/claps. Keep stocking & Cheers.



Jack Anto

Antony Jackson A.K.A Jack Anto in common. Founder Madrasters & Founding team of Report Bee. ‘UX Searcher’