July 8, 1861 — Navy Yard Matters

The Evening Star, Washington, DC

On yesterday the steamer Baltimore, Capt Mitchell, took the Scott Life Guards, and on Saturday the Third Maine Regiment, to Alexandria.

July 7, 1861 — Important from New Mexico

Nashville Union and American, Nashville, TN, July 7, 1861

The Galveston (Texas) News, of the 24th ult., contains the following. Capt. Clairborne is a citizen of Nashville, and we believe Capt. Wilcox was originally appointed from…

July 6, 1861 — The Forward Movement

Worcester Daily Spy, Worcester, MA, July 6, 1861

We make the following extract from a private letter, dated Frederick, Md„ July 1 — the day before Gen. Patterson with his forces crossed the Potomac:

July 4, 1861 — Patriotism In Baltimore

Chicago Daily Tribune, Chicago, IL, July 4, 1861

Baltimore, July 3. — Great efforts are making for celebrating the Fourth of July here by Union men. A splendid silk regimental national flag has been prepared by citizens of Baltimore to…

July 3, 1861 — Latest War News

Semi-Weekly Standard, Raleigh, NC

A skirmish took place near Romney, Va., on Wednesday last, between a small detachment of Col. Ashby’s Cavalry and a party of 67 of Lincoln’s Cavalry. Deluded by a professed deserter, they were led into an ambush and…

July 2, 1861 — The Federal Troops Driven from Mathias Point

Western Reserve Chronicle, Warren, OH


The Pawnee arrived at the Navy Yard this morning, bringing intelligence from Mathias Point According to a statement…

July 1, 1861 — The Military Picnic

New Orleans Daily Crescent, New Orleans, LA

This grand affair, for the benefit of our volunteer soldiery, will begin tomorrow, amid the delightful shades of the City Park. All kinds of tents, booths, and other aids to recreation will be…

Caught in Beauty’s Trap — Beware of the Fair Rebel Delilahs!

Daily Ohio Statesman, Columbus, OH

The Washington Star amuses us with a story, probably not only “founded on fact” but all fact, of how Captain “Kellogg,” of Connecticut, lately came up among the…

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