RightMesh Weekly Update: March 30, 2018

Brianna MacNeil
Published in
6 min readMar 30, 2018

This was an eventful week for the RightMesh project! First, we celebrated tech development successes that kept us right on target with our project roadmap, and we excitedly announced our collaboration with SingularityNET to explore extending AI and ML benefits to the unconnected through RightMesh networks. Then, with disappointment, we announced a last minute delay in the Crowd Contribution period. And now, we are pleased to say we are making progress in resolving the issue which led to the delay.

Read on to stay up-to-date with all our latest news, milestones and achievements.

And, Happy Easter from our family to yours.



Tech Update

  • Demonstrated 15 devices connected to a single superpeer: In this demonstration, each phone represents a local mesh which could then have additional phones connected to it.
  • Demonstrated live µRaiden payment channel updates on the RightMesh wallet between two distinct mobile Mesh Networks: A month and a half ago, we released a demo video showing the successful exchange of ERC-20 tokens for data over the mesh network via µRaiden payment channels. When a mobile node joins a mesh network, the payment channels are automatically opened and closed via the superpeer. At that time, the only way to see tokens flowing was by logging the superpeer output and via the final transfers on the channel closing. Yesterday, as a follow on to this, we released a second demo which demonstrates live µRaiden payment channel updates at the UI layer on mobile nodes that are on two distinct mobile mesh networks. This demo is similar to the first except now you can see the payment channel updates on the phones directly instead of having to check etherscan.
Medium article with explanation available here.
  • Refining scrum processes: The engineering team has been working towards improving internal processes for scrum planning.

UX Update

  • Emergency Response Research: The UX team researched emergency response communication needs by talking to experts in the space, in support of our development of Flare. They are still looking to interview more people who work in disaster response services to help them build out Flare. If this is you or someone you know, please contact partnerships@rightmesh.io.

TGE Progress

We are working around-the-clock to resolve the jurisdictional issue, and we hope to announce a rescheduled date in the near future.

Scam Alerts

Scammers are rife in world of Token Generating Events, and the postponement of our Crowd Contribution period and TGE may draw their attention. RightMesh AG wants you to be safe, so please be vigilant and be aware. The board of directors of RightMesh AG anticipates the possibility of attempts to convince RightMesh AG’s community there are other ways of participating in the Crowd Contribution period or even to convince you that “Canadians and Americans can now participate”.

To reiterate and confirm:

  • All restrictions of Canadian and American residents contributing to the TGE remain in full force and in effect.
  • There remains one single procedure for participating in the TGE and that is through Bitcoin Suisse’s client portal.
  • RightMesh AG will NEVER ask for contributions directly or through any channel outside of Bitcoin Suisse.


There have been a number of imposters accounts within the RightMesh channel that are pretending to be RightMesh admin. These fake admin are direct messaging our community members requesting funds, email addresses and personal information to ‘assist’ with the Bitcoin Suisse KYC and AML process.

Please be aware that these are scams!

RightMesh will NEVER solicit funds or ask for personal documentation via Telegram, email, Twitter, our website, direct message or any form of social media. All contributions will be managed through the Bitcoin Suisse platform. Anyone who contacts you with a special offer, asks for you to send them crypto directly or asks for personal documentation is trying to scam you.

Community & Events

March 21st — 22nd: Melissa Quinn, who is both Corporate Development Manager for the RightMesh project and Executive Director of the Blockchain Users Group in Canada, was in sunny San Francisco speaking about ‘Global Connectivity, Equality and Technology’ at the Women of Silicon Valley Conference. She was joined by Rachel Cheng, Senior Software Developer for the RightMesh project.

March 22nd-23rd: Across the globe, RightMesh project COO, Chris Jensen, attended the World Blockchain Summit in Nairobi, Kenya. He met with our Telegram Community Manager Obiefuna Chima Ezenwugo (Obi) and made him an official Nodebody.

While in Kenya, Chris also met with Zack Matere, the inventor of the Leo Network of Community Notice Boards.

Left: Melissa and Rachel at Women in Tech Series (San Francisco), Right: Obi and Chris in Nairobi

Here’s where you can find us next week:

  • April 4th-5th: Representing RightMesh AG’s parent company, Left, CCO, Dana Harvey and Tracy McDonald, Director of Talent & Culture, will be attending the Top Employer Summit in Toronto, Canada. The conference provides attendees with HR insights and information on organizational improvements through programs and initiatives. Dana and Tracy are looking forward to learning from Dr. Roberta Bondar, the first Canadian woman and neurologist to fly in space.
  • April 5th-6th: Marketing Teams from two of Left’s subsisiaries, RightMesh AG and Left Travel, are heading to Squamish, Canada for CIMC 2018. This is our team’s second year attending this conference on marketing best practices, and we are looking forward to engaging learning.
  • April 6th-8th: RightMesh AG is proud to sponsor CryptoChicks Conference and Hackathon in Toronto, Canada. This event aspires to encourage more women to enter the blockchain space while highlighting some of the amazing women who currently work in it. Rachel Cheng and Srilekha Kirshnamachari from the RightMesh project development team will be leading a workshop titled ‘Step by Step; Building HelloMesh’. Brianna MacNeil, Blockchain Product Manager, will also be speaking on a panel on ‘Building a Blockchain Business: Idea to Enterprise’.

Stay in Touch

To stay up to date with RightMesh, please join our social channels:



Brianna MacNeil

₿ the change you want to see in the world. Global Development Studies @ Queen’s University. Manager, Global Partnerships & Strategy @RightMesh.