Singular NFT Marketplace: Traders Overview

Who is the most active trader? Which items are the Top 20 trading? What are they holding now?

3 min readMar 9, 2023


In a previous post, we had an overview of the collections available at Singular. Now, we will take a closer look at the traders and their behavior on the platform, excluding the Kanaria Genesis and Kanaria Items Collection, analyzed in detail here and here.

The chart below shows the Top 20 traders on the platform, highlighting the type of transaction (buy or sell).

Most traders in the Top 20 are buying, except for two addresses. But how is this translated into monetary value? The next chart shows that, transforming these trades into their KSM value.

Here we can see an interesting picture. While the Top Trader in the number of transactions (Hbr9TizJRuYkKkGGod9GjWXCDBX8AgfFH1fHTc7Xyqy1Sno) had a 50.81 KSM profit in its trades, the one that had the highest was HydwuGTL6vbThMEyZq5ygYqMeHvmSpTLRsZdLx313rcPv6M, with 97.84 KSM.

It is also worth noticing that several addresses have quite similar buy/sell volumes, indicating that they sold items with a higher price and bought more items at a lower price.

Another observation we can make is that the volume of some traders is quite large, while others have a much smaller volume. This could be due to the collections they are trading. The next chart will explore this.

Using this new chat combined with the previous one, we can analyze F4cV55hncmQbSd1dyiaTAkT6quhYMYaEwMvUQwRCXc5zxY1, the trader with the lowest trading volume (in KSM) in the Top 20. When we look at what it bought and sold, the main collection was Items, created by Proof of Chaos. This is an airdropped collection, and the sell/buy price is quite low, which can explain the low trading volume.


When looking at the trader with the highest trading volume (D8WrK1jsFy9zpFwFZStaDTmX32pMZVdwXTm5rt9LsRKBQrz), the picture is quite different. It interacted with more collections, and the main one was Everlore. However, this is a collection with low-value items, and it can’t explain the large volume. Combining the information from the collections we explored in a previous article, we find that this trader bought 4 Kusama Queens (and also sold 3), a collection with a high item price, which was responsible for a great part of its trading volume.


The chart below shows the highest Buy & Sell transactions for each trader. D8WrK1jsFy9zpFwFZStaDTmX32pMZVdwXTm5rt9LsRKBQrz was an exception, engaging with Kusama Kings and Queens collections. The other ones focused on collections with lower-priced items and higher trading volume.

The next chart shows the collections the Top 20 traders bought and sold the most.

It has a strong correlation with the “Most Traded Collections” presented in the “Singular NFT Marketplace: Collections Overview” article, which is pasted below:

The most notable difference is the RMRK Events collection, which was not really traded by the Top 20 traders.


The data gathered showed that the Top 20 traders focused on buying the most popular collections over the period analyzed. Only a few actively bought and sold the items in a trading manner (having almost the same number of buys and sells).

Some of the charts in this post help us understand these traders’ past movements and gives us a hint at which collections they might be holding right now.

