Top Stories published by Romin Irani’s Blog in 2015

Docker Tutorial Series : Writing a Dockerfile

This is part 9 of the Docker Tutorial Series.

In this part, we shall take a look at how to build our own Docker images via a Dockerfile. We saw building our own image earlier via running a Container, installing our software…

Docker Tutorial Series : Part 8 : Linking Containers

This is part 8 of the Docker Tutorial Series.

In this part, we shall take a look at how to link Docker Containers. By linking containers, you provide a secure channel via which Docker containers can communicate to…

Docker Tutorial Series : Part 6 : Docker Private Registry

This is part 6 of the Docker Tutorial Series.

In this part we shall take a look at how you can host a local Docker registry. In an earlier part, we had looked at the Docker Hub, which is a public registry…

Firebase IoT Tutorial

I recently wrote a blog post on writing a temperature logger using Arduino + Python + database service. Several readers wrote back to use an alternative database if possible. I have decided to rewire that tutorial but this time with Firebase database. This would also act as…

These were the top 10 stories published by Romin Irani’s Blog in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Romin Irani’s Blog
Technical Tutorials, APIs, Cloud, Books and more.
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