Top Stories published by Romin Irani’s Blog in 2017

You have $700 GCP Credit … Now What?

Several folks have approached me that they received Google Cloud Platform credits during Google IO 2017 or in the last few months and they are not sure how to use the credit. This blog post is a direct result of that, where I thought of putting together 10 ways in…

Google Cloud Courses on Coursera

If you have been looking to learning more on Google Cloud, help is on the way via structured courses on Coursera.

Take a look at Google Cloud course catalog on Coursera. Some of the courses are started while the others are about to take off in…

Workshop Material : Building Conversational Agents using API.AI

I recently gave a talk on “Building Conversational Agents using API.AI”. The talk was followed with a workshop, where the participants can build out a “Linear Conversation” using NLP/AI (via the API.AI platform) and test…

Google launches Actions on Google Developer Challenge

Google Assistant is a key part of Google’s offering now and is a bridge between the user and your service via multiple devices today like Google Home, Select Android Phones and now available even on iOS.

Designing Google Home Interactions with is a great tool for designing the interactions between your user and a Bot. It was interesting to learn that it now supports Google Home and Slack too in its web design application.

These were the top 10 stories published by Romin Irani’s Blog in 2017. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2017 by using the calendar at the top of this page.