Go Language Study Group — An Analysis

Last year, I was part of an online Go course conducted by Satish Talim. One of my colleagues Prashant Thakkar too was part of this course. While we had been dibbling and dabbling a little bit with Go, this course acted as a catalyst to cement our interest in Go…

Docker Tutorial Series : Part 6 : Docker Private Registry

This is part 6 of the Docker Tutorial Series.

In this part we shall take a look at how you can host a local Docker registry. In an earlier part, we had looked at the Docker Hub, which is a public registry…

Go Programming Language Workshop — Material and Notes

Last week, I conduct a hands-on Go Language workshop as part of Mumbai Technology Meetup. The meetup was an interesting one where 3 language workshops were held during the day: Erlang, Go and Rust. I took the Go workshop.

Google Cloud Functions Tutorial : Using Environment variables

This is part of a Google Cloud Functions Tutorial Series. Check out the series for all the articles.
At the time of writing this article, support for Environment variables in Google Cloud Functions…
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