¿Qué hacer en Medellín?

Sabemos que aunque vas a venir a Medellín para el RubyConf Colombia, te recomiendo asistir al Meetup de Ruby Medellin.rb tal vez quieras también darle una mirada a la ciudad y conocer un poco de la cultura local.

What to do in Medellín?

We know that even though you are coming to Medellín for RubyConf Colombia, I encourage you to attend the Ruby Meetup Medellin.rb, and if you also want to check out the city and get to know a little bit of the local culture.

Guide to Medellín

Medellín is the second largest city in Colombia, with almost 4 million people, is the capital of the department of Antioquia.

RubyConf Colombia
RubyConf Colombia
The largest gathering of the year for the Spanish speaking Ruby community
More information