The Human Cohesion Project — 2 Apr 2024

Rukmini Iyer
Rukmini Iyer
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2024

Ethos of Islamic Governance

Dear Descendant,

As several countries stand on the threshold of elections this year in 2024, billions will cast their votes, shaping the future of their nations. This moment, marked by the rise of religious and ethnic nationalism, invites us to reflect on the teachings of Islam concerning leadership, governance, and the fabric of society.

Islam emphasises justice, equity, and compassion in governance. The Quran (4:58) states, “Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when you judge between people to judge with justice…”. This verse underlines that leadership is not merely a position of power but a trust from Allah, to be executed with utmost fairness and justice for all.

Prophet Mohammad’s life offers profound insights into leading with humility and serving the community’s welfare. Consultation (Shura), empathy and the unwavering pursuit of justice were key markers in his leadership. He established a society in Medina where rights were protected, and diversity was respected, setting an example of governance rooted in ethical principles.

In a time when divisions seem to deepen, and nationalism often borders on exclusion, the Islamic perspective reminds us of the value of unity in diversity. It teaches us that true strength lies not in homogeneity but in embracing the varied tapestry of humanity with respect and compassion.

As you, my Descendant, witness or partake in the democratic processes of your time (I hope humanity carries on the aspiration for democracy!), may these teachings inspire you to advocate for governance that embodies these principles. May the leaders elected be those who carry the trust of leadership with integrity, striving for a just and inclusive society that honours the dignity of every individual, regardless of their faith or ethnicity.

Ramadan Kareem. May this sacred month deepen our understanding of our collective responsibilities towards fostering a world where peace and justice prevail.

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Rukmini Iyer
Rukmini Iyer

Conscious Leadership Facilitator and Coach | Peacebuilder and Educator | Writer | Founder, Exult! Solutions |