The Human Cohesion Project — 3 Apr 2024

Rukmini Iyer
Rukmini Iyer
Published in
2 min readApr 3, 2024

Gratitude in Uncertainty

Dear Descendant,

Human history (and I suppose that of other life forms, too) is replete with moments of uncertainty that test our resilience, patience, and faith. Amidst such times, the practice of gratitude — a fundamental principle in Islam as well as in other religions — emerges not just as an act of faith but as a beacon guiding us towards inner peace and resilience.

The Quran frequently reminds us of the importance of gratitude, stating (in 14:7), “And (remember) when your Lord proclaimed: ‘If you are grateful, I will surely increase you (in favour); but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.’”. This verse underscores a profound truth: gratitude opens our hearts to the abundance that surrounds us, transforming our perception of the trials of life.

Prophet Mohammad exemplified a life of gratitude, finding reasons to be thankful in both small joys and vast blessings, teaching us that gratitude is not only for times of abundance but also, and perhaps more critically, for moments of hardship. It is in acknowledging the blessings we have — our health, community, faith, and even the very air we breathe — that we find strength and perspective to navigate the challenges we face.

As you, my Descendant, move through your own times of uncertainty, I hope you discover the transformative power of gratitude. May it serve as a grounding force, reminding you of the beauty and goodness that exist even in the midst of difficulty.

Ramadan Kareem. May this sacred month deepen our practice of gratitude.

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Rukmini Iyer
Rukmini Iyer

Conscious Leadership Facilitator and Coach | Peacebuilder and Educator | Writer | Founder, Exult! Solutions |