The Human Cohesion Project — 4 Apr 2024

Rukmini Iyer
Rukmini Iyer
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2024

Navigating the Inner Landscape

Dear Descendant,

In the realm of Islamic mythology, creatures like the Jinn and Iblis (Shaytan) are not merely beings of fire and smoke but serve as profound metaphors for the complexities of the human condition. These beings, with their nuanced roles within Islamic teachings, invite us to reflect on our inner tendencies, choices, and the perpetual struggle between our higher selves and base desires.

The Jinns, created from smokeless fire, are said to coexist with humans in the world, possessing free will. Their existence alongside humans underscores the diversity of creation and the universality of moral and ethical challenges. A Jinn’s capacity for both righteousness and transgression mirrors our own dual nature — the potential to ascend to great heights of virtue or to fall into the depths of vice, driven by our choices and actions.

Iblis, once a devout worshiper among the angels, becomes Shaytan (devil) after refusing to bow to Prophet Adam, exemplifying the dangers of pride and envy. His fall from grace is a powerful allegory for the capacity of the human ego to lead us astray, blinding us with arrogance and jealousy, and distancing us from the divine and our innate goodness.

These mythological figures challenge us to navigate our inner landscape with awareness and introspection. They remind us that the spiritual journey is fraught with trials, but also that redemption and growth are always within reach. It is a call to actively engage in the battle against our lower inclinations, seeking to embody the virtues of humility, compassion, and devotion.

As you journey through life, dear Descendant, may these reflections on the Jinn and Iblis inspire a deeper understanding of your own tendencies and the choices before you. May they serve as a reminder that the greatest battles are often those fought within the terrains of our own hearts and minds.

Ramadan Kareem. May we have the courage to confront our shadows and cultivate our light.

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Rukmini Iyer
Rukmini Iyer

Conscious Leadership Facilitator and Coach | Peacebuilder and Educator | Writer | Founder, Exult! Solutions |