5-Week Half Marathon Training — Week 3

Follow the journey from 10k runner to marathoner.

Henri Heinonen
Runner's Life
3 min readNov 17, 2019


I decided to start training for a half marathon a couple of weeks ago and write weekly reports on Medium. See weeks 1 and 2.

Now I have completed week 3

It’s a whole other ball game to train for a half marathon compared to just casually going 2-3 times a week for a run. I have a goal to train 6 times a week. However, my life is relatively hectic so I have to adjust my weekly plans as I go to cope with the situation.

The most important thing for long runs is to decide your route before you start the trip. When you firmly choose the distance and the route before starting, you get it done. Otherwise, when the running gets hard you find ways to talk yourself into cheating a bit and run a shorter distance. One of the reasons why I was able to complete the half marathon a couple of weeks back was that I didn’t have a choice. It was a forced half marathon. It is similar to any goal you are trying to achieve. If it is ambitious and hard, you have to make a firm decision and figure out the road beforehand and then just go for it. Now the road won’t be the way you planned it to be, but keep going anyways.

Here Are The Runs From Week 3


Monday: 5 miles ≈ 8 kilometers (Easy)

Tuesday: 3.1 miles ≈ 5 kilometers (Fast)

Wednesday: 1.2miles ≈ 2 kilometers (Morning run with an empty stomach)

Friday: 8.1 miles ≈ 13 kilometers (hard 10,5km/h)

Saturday 5 miles ≈ 8 kilometers (hard 12.2km/h)

Sunday: 8.1 miles ≈ 13 km (hard 11.25km/h)

Total: 30.5 miles ≈ 49 kilometers

The foam roller has become my best friend. It keeps the muscles functioning and speeds up recovery. I haven’t been able to find a better solution to open up the painful spots.

Foam roller releases the painful spot from the muscles.

Another easy way to quicken recovery is by walking. I usually walk around 200 meters to 500 meters after each run. Sometimes even more than 1 kilometer after long runs. When I get home, I do foam rolling for the muscles often soon after the training.

Now, remember to take a look at Week 1 and Week 2 as well. I’m intrigued to see the kind of 5-week program this becomes. So far I have been surprised by the increase in my speed. Somehow like magic, I’m able to automatically go faster without giving too much more effort.

Training is fun!

Week 4 is live!



Henri Heinonen
Runner's Life

Entrepreneur | 1 x Founder | Passionate tech guy from countryside. Internet is value. I like to challenge my mental and physical muscles in various activities.